- Author: Oscar Lima [email protected]
- Co-Author: Daniel Marta [email protected]
- License: GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL-3.0)
Test your learning algorithms with this balancing 1 link 1 joint robot.
It can also be used as an example on how to create a simple 1 joint robot with Gazebo and ros control.
It also contains an example of how to create a simple plugin to exert a force on the robot joint.
Run acrobat robot Gazebo simulation with ros control URDF:
roslaunch acrobat_gazebo acrobat_world.launch gui:=true robot_config:=acrobat_ros_control_gazebo
roslaunch acrobat_gazebo acrobat_world.launch gui:=true robot_config:=acrobat_custom_gazebo_plugin
Publish desired joint effort on topic:
rostopic pub /acrobat/joint1/effort/command std_msgs/Float32 "data: 5.0"
rostopic echo /joint_states
rostopic echo /tf_euclidean_distance_node/euclidean_distance
IST Tecnico Lisboa, ISR: Oscar Lima Carrion, 2017 <[email protected]>