A hardware priority queue with constant response time written in SystemVerilog.
- Mentor Questa/Modelsim is used for RTL simulation. Simulation instructions at ./sim/README.md.
- Xilinx Vivado is required for FPGA implementations.
Contributions to the repository are welcome and appreciated.
- For bug reporting, please use GitHub issues.
- For completed bug fixes and repository improvements such as testbench expansion, please create a pull request.
- Significant modifications to the behaviour or scope of the design are recommended to be forked to separate repositories.
When using this design in your reseach, please cite the following publication:
author={Nurmi, Antti and Lindgren, Per and Szymkowiak, Tom and Hämäläinen, Timo D.},
booktitle={2023 26th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)},
title={AnTiQ: A Hardware-Accelerated Priority Queue Design with Constant Time Arbitrary Element Removal},