This is a simple CLI app that uses the pysnyk module to load issues from Snyk's audit API, it supports pulling issues down for group and org, along with adding selective filters. By default it looks for all events for the last week (from 8 days ago until yesterday), but that can be changed via flags.
For easier runtime, you can build this entire project into a docker container:
docker build --force-rm -f Dockerfile -t snyk-audit-to-csv:latest .
To run this script, you need to have a SNYK_TOKEN set if your environment, if you have jq and the snyk cli already installed on your workstation, that can be done quickly with:
# first authenticate and make sure you have a .config directory
snyk auth
# export your api token from the .config/configstore/snyk.json file
export SNYK_TOKEN=$(jq -r '.api' ~/.config/configstore/snyk.json)
With the token set, ensure it is passed to the local container. If you are running from inside this directory, use the file_output directory as a place to deposit the json or csv data. For Snyk Group's we need the full, quoted name of the group, such as "Customer Success Engineer"
. To get events from a Snyk Organization, we need the shortname, which is found in the URL of the organization's settings page, such as "cse-ownership"
derived from
# Group Example
docker run --rm -it -e SNYK_TOKEN -v "${PWD}"/file_output:/runtime snyk-audit-to-csv:latest group "Customer Success Engineering" --json
Total events found: 3214
JSON saved to /runtime/customer_success_engineering_2021-10-11_to_2021-10-18.json
# Org Example
❯ docker run --rm -it -e SNYK_TOKEN -v "${PWD}"/file_output:/runtime snyk-audit-to-csv:latest org cse-ownership --json
Total events found: 1188
JSON saved to /runtime/cse-ownership_2021-10-11_to_2021-10-18.json
While CSV output is supported, it's rudementary right now as it folds all the content fields into a single column.
❯ docker run --rm -it -e SNYK_TOKEN -v "${PWD}"/file_output:/runtime snyk-audit-to-csv:latest org cse-ownership --csv
Total events found: 1188
CSV saved to /runtime/cse-ownership_2021-10-11_to_2021-10-18.csv
❯ head -n 4 file_output/cse-ownership_2021-10-11_to_2021-10-18.csv
FIELD1 | groupId | orgId | userId | projectId | event | content | created |
0 | 36863d40-ba29-491f-af63-7a1a7d79e411 | da450e98-1581-4cd1-a4fc-06a3b76f5004 | b7f4b234-e888-4054-8532-0d7e3a2ec690 | api.access | {'url': '/api/v1/org/da450e98-1581-4cd1-a4fc-06a3b76f5004/audit?from=2021-10-03&to=2021-10-10&sortOrder=ASC&page=1'} | 2021-10-11T08:50:14.558Z | |
1 | 36863d40-ba29-491f-af63-7a1a7d79e411 | da450e98-1581-4cd1-a4fc-06a3b76f5004 | b7f4b234-e888-4054-8532-0d7e3a2ec690 | api.access | {'url': '/api/v1/org/da450e98-1581-4cd1-a4fc-06a3b76f5004/audit?from=2021-10-03&to=2021-10-10&sortOrder=ASC&page=2'} | 2021-10-11T08:50:16.280Z | |
2 | 36863d40-ba29-491f-af63-7a1a7d79e411 | da450e98-1581-4cd1-a4fc-06a3b76f5004 | b7f4b234-e888-4054-8532-0d7e3a2ec690 | api.access | {'url': '/api/v1/org/da450e98-1581-4cd1-a4fc-06a3b76f5004/audit?from=2021-10-03&to=2021-10-10&sortOrder=ASC&page=3'} | 2021-10-11T08:50:16.542Z |
# Getting Org information
❯ docker run --rm -it -e SNYK_TOKEN -v "${PWD}"/file_output:/runtime snyk-audit-to-csv:latest org --help
Usage: org [OPTIONS] [SNYK_ORG]
Retrieve the audit issues for a specific Org, with optional filters
[SNYK_ORG] The Snyk Org Slug retrieve audit events from [default: ]
--start-date TEXT Starting date range to search for events [default:
--end-date TEXT End date range to search for events [default:
--user-id TEXT Only show events including this userId
--project-id TEXT The show events from this Project
--csv Save a CSV to local directory
--json Save a JSON file to local directory
--output-dir PATH Local directory save files [default: /runtime]
--event TEXT Pass multiple events to filter by with --event one
--event two
--help Show this message and exit.
# Getting Group information
❯ docker run --rm -it -e SNYK_TOKEN -v "${PWD}"/file_output:/runtime snyk-audit-to-csv:latest group --help
Usage: group [OPTIONS] [SNYK_GROUP]
Retrieve the audit issues for a specific Group, with optional filters
[SNYK_GROUP] The Snyk Group Name retrieve audit events from [default: ]
--start-date TEXT Starting date range to search for events [default:
--end-date TEXT End date range to search for events [default:
--user-id TEXT Only show events including this userId
--project-id TEXT The show events from this Project
--csv Save a CSV to local directory
--json Save a JSON file to local directory
--output-dir PATH Local directory save files [default: /runtime]
--event TEXT Pass multiple events to filter by with --event one
--event two
--help Show this message and exit.