A Simple web app deployed with ansible, The app consists of two haproxies, nodejs mongodb and a simple client that does random queries on the rest-api and generates some load (tunable eyes_interval). The used web app is a slightly modified version of the openshift demo app [restify-mongodb-parks|https://github.com/snuf/restify-mongodb-parks] There is also a vagrant file for virtualbox and libvirt that allows easy testing and rollout of multiple machines if required. There are several configuration options availabie. These depend on the hostnames used, and will by default revert to a setup based on the amount of [haproxy] nodes.
- Real status page instead of dirty 503.
- Make MongoDB a real cluster instead of dumb usable nodes.
- Add the layer 7 checks to haproxy.
When not using vagrant (revamp) there are a couple manual steps required. In the hosts file that is used with ansible :
Go to the ansible directory
cd /ansible
Make sure the correct user is used and this user has sudo rights:
If the user above has no ssh key distributed or if a single private ssh key or password can be used for all hosts:
ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/id_bootstrap -
Edit the proxies to point at the correct ones or comment the lines out:
proxy_http: ""
proxy_https: ""Set the interval to a desired float, or 0 for non wait.
eyes_interval: 0. -
Enter the correct IPs/hosts under the groups and the desired options:
1st Loadbalancer sits front of nodejs entities.
2nd Loadbalancer sits in front of mongodb.
Minimum 0, advised 2.[mongodb]
Backend servers that contain the data.
Minimum 1, advised multiuple.[nodejs]
Frontend servers that serve the site and api.
Minimum 1, advised multiple.[eyes]
Host that runs a script that gets parks from random longtitude and lattitude in the us degrees.
Minimum 0, advised 1 can be multiple.
You can add multiple hosts/ips for each group, but for [haproxy] we only use one host/ip per group type of [nodejs] and [mongodb]. If a single [haproxy] host/ip is added both [nodejs] and [mongodb] will live behind the single [haproxy]. if no [haproxy] is used a single a [nodejs] is directly wired to a single [mongodb].
Make sure you have a "recent" ansible version on the ubuntu host that runs the playbook (minimal If no proxies are required, leave out the proxies.
sudo bash
export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=
apt-get update
apt-get install -y software-properties-common
apt-add-repository -y ppa:ansible/ansible
apt-get update
apt-get install -y ansible
The ansible playbook can be checked, will have one failure at the end...:
ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook --check -i hosts playbook.yaml
After successfully runnig the dry-runm the script can be run:
ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml
For now the Vagrantfile assumes virtualbox or libvirt. The alterations named in setup above are to be done in the hosts.header file, except for the addition of the hosts/ips themselves, which are generated from vagrant status. Changing the amount of nodes is done in the Vagrantfile, by altiering the hosts list. Names are respectively haproxy, mongodb, nodejs, eyes to create multiple hosts a number is added with a dash -. e.g. haproxy, haproxy-1 ... etc etc etc etc ...
deploy everything: ./revamp full
(re)-deploy vms: ./revamp refresh
update hosts file: ./revamp hosts
run ansible: ./revamp ansible