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Canonical event model v70

Mike Jongbloet edited this page Jan 11, 2021 · 9 revisions

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🚧 The latest canonical model for Snowplow can be found on the Snowplow documentation site.

Canonical event model

This relates to the Canonical Event Model from Snowplow Release 63 Red-Cheeked Cordon-Bleu to 70 Bornean Green Magpie. For other versions:

Table of contents:

  1. Overview
  2. The Snowplow canonical data structure: understanding the individual fields
  3. A note about data storage formats

1. Overview

In order to analyse Snowplow data, it is important to understand how it is structured. We have tried to make the structure of Snowplow data as simple, logical, and easy-to-query as possible.

  • Each line represents one event. Each line in the Snowplow events table represents a single event, be that a page view, add to basket, play video, like etc.
  • Structured data. Snowplow data is structured: individual fields are stored in their own columns, making writing sophisticated queries on the data easy, and making it straightforward for analysts to plugin any kind of analysis tool into their Snowplow data to compose and execute queries
  • Extensible schema. Snowplow started life as a web analytics data warehousing platform, and has a basic schema suitable for performing web analytics, with a wide range of web-specific dimensions (related to page URLs, browsers, operating systems, devices, IP addresses, cookie IDs) and web-specfic events (page views, page pings, transactions). All of these fields can be found in the table, which is a "fat" (many columns) table. As Snowplow has evolved into a general purpose event analytics platform, we've enabled Snowplow users to define additional event types (we call these custom unstructured events) and define their own entities (we call these custom contexts) so that they can extend the schema to suit their own businesses. For Snowplow users running Amazon Redshift, each custom unstructured event and custom context will be stored in its own dedicated table, again with one line per event. These additional tables can be joined back to the core table, by joining on the root_id field in the custom unstructured event / custom context table with the event_id in the table
  • Single table. All the events are effectively stored in a single table, making running queries across the data very easy. Even if you're running Snowplow with Redshift and have extended the schema as described above, you can still query the data as if it were in a single fat table. This is because:
    • The joins from the additional tables to the core table are one-to-one
    • The field joined on is the distribution and sort key for both tables, so queries are as fast as if the data were in a single table
  • Immutable log. The Snowplow data table is designed to be immutable: the data in each line should not change over time. Data points that we would expect to change over time (e.g. what cohort a particular user belongs to, how we classify a particular visitor) can be derived from Snowplow data. However, our recommendation is that these derived fields should be defined and calculated at analysis time, stored in a separate table and joined to the Snowplow events table when performing any analysis

2. The Snowplow canonical data structure: understanding the individual fields

2.1 Common fields (platform and event independent)

2.1.1 Application fields

Field Type Description Reqd? Example
app_id text Application ID Yes 'angry-birds'
platform text Platform Yes 'web'

The application ID is used to distinguish different applications that are being tracked by the same Snowplow stack.

The platform ID is used to distinguish the same app running on different platforms e.g. iOS vs web.

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2.1.2 Date / time fields

Field Type Description Reqd? Example
collector_tstamp timestamp Time stamp for the event recorded by the collector Yes '2013-11-26 00:02:05'
dvce_tstamp timestamp Timestamp event was recorded on the client device No '2013-11-26 00:03:57.885'
dvce_sent_tstamp timestamp When the event was sent by the client device No '2013-11-26 00:03:58.032'
etl_tstamp timestamp Timestamp event began ETL No '2017-01-26 00:01:25.292'
os_timezone text Client operating system timezone No 'Europe/London'
derived_tstamp timestamp Calculated "true timestamp" for the event No '2013-11-26 00:02:04'

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2.1.3 Event / transaction fields

Field Type Description Reqd? Example
event text The type of event recorded Yes 'page_view'
event_id text A UUID for each event Yes 'c6ef3124-b53a-4b13-a233-0088f79dcbcb'
txn_id int Transaction ID set client-side, used to de-dupe records No 421828

A complete list of event types is given here.

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2.1.4 Snowplow version fields

Field Type Description Reqd? Example
v_tracker text Tracker version Yes 'no-js-0.1.0'
v_collector text Collector version Yes 'clj-tomcat-0.1.0', 'cf'
v_etl text ETL version Yes 'serde-0.5.2'
name_tracker text Tracker namespace No 'cloudfront-1'
etl_tags text JSON of tags for this ETL run No "['prod']"

Some Snowplow Trackers allow the user to name each specific Tracker instance. name_tracker corresponds to this name, and can be used to distinguish which tracker generated which events.

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2.1.5 User-related fields

Field Type Description Reqd? Example
user_id text Unique ID set by business No '[email protected]'
domain_userid text User ID set by Snowplow using 1st party cookie No 'bc2e92ec6c204a14'
network_userid text User ID set by Snowplow using 3rd party cookie No 'ecdff4d0-9175-40ac-a8bb-325c49733607'
user_ipaddress text User IP address No ''
domain_sessionidx int A visit / session index No 3
domain_sessionid text A visit / session identifier No 'c6ef3124-b53a-4b13-a233-0088f79dcbcb'

domain_sessionidx is the number of the current user session. For example, an event occurring during a user's first session would have domain_sessionidx set to 1. The JavaScript Tracker calculates this field by storing a visit count in a first-party cookie. Whenever the Tracker fires an event, if more than 30 minutes have elapsed since the last event, the visitor count is increased by 1. (Whenever an event is fired, a "session cookie" is created and set to expire in 30 minutes. This is how the Tracker can tell whether the visit count should be incremented.) Thirty minutes is the default value and can be changed using the setSessionCookieTimeout method.

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2.1.6 Device and operating system fields

Field Type Description Reqd? Example
useragent text Raw useragent Yes
dvce_type text Type of device No 'Computer'
dvce_ismobile boolean Is the device mobile? No 1
dvce_screenheight int Screen height in pixels No 1024
dvce_screenwidth int Screen width in pixels No 1900
os_name text Name of operating system No 'Android'
os_family text Operating system family No 'Linux'
os_manufacturer text Company responsible for OS No 'Apple'

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2.1.7 Location fields

Field Type Description Reqd? Example
geo_country text ISO 3166-1 code for the country the visitor is located in No 'GB', 'US'
geo_region text ISO-3166-2 code for country region the visitor is in No 'I9', 'TX'
geo_city text City the visitor is in No 'New York', 'London'
geo_zipcode text Postcode the visitor is in No '94109'
geo_latitude text Visitor location latitude No 37.443604
geo_longitude text Visitor location longitude No -122.4124
geo_region_name text Visitor region name No 'Florida'
geo_timezone text Visitor timezone name No 'Europe/London'

2.1.7 IP address-based fields

Field Type Description Reqd? Example
ip_isp text Visitor's ISP No 'FDN Communications'
ip_organization text Organization associated with the visitor's IP address - defaults to ISP name if none is found No 'Bouygues Telecom'
ip_domain text Second level domain name associated with the visitor's IP address No ''
ip_netspeed text Visitor's connection type No 'Cable/DSL'

2.2 Platform-specific fields

Currently the only platform supported is web. However, as we build trackers for more platforms (e.g. iOS, Windows 8) we would expect to add platforms that are specific to each of these platforms.

2.2.1 Web-specific fields

Field Type Description Reqd? Example
Page fields
page_url text The page URL Yes ''
page_urlscheme text Scheme aka protocol Yes 'https'
page_urlhost text Host aka domain Yes '“'
page_urlport int Port if specified, 80 if not 80
page_urlpath text Path to page No '/product/index.html'
page_urlquery text Querystring No 'id=GTM-DLRG'
page_urlfragment text Fragment aka anchor No '4-conclusion'
page_referrer text URL of the referrer No ''
page_title text Web page title No 'Using ChartIO to visualize and interrogate Snowplow data - Snowplow Analytics'
refr_urlscheme text Referer scheme No 'http'
refr_urlhost text Referer host No ''
refr_urlport int Referer port No 80
refr_urlpath text Referer page path No '/images/search'
refr_urlquery text Referer URL querystring No 'q=psychic+oracle+cards'
refr_urlfragment text Referer URL fragment No
refr_medium text Type of referer No 'search', 'internal'
refr_source text Name of referer if recognised No 'Bing images'
refr_term text Keywords if source is a search engine No 'psychic oracle cards'
refr_domain_userid text The Snowplow domain_userid of the referring website No 'bc2e92ec6c204a14'
refr_dvce_tstamp timestamp The time of attaching the domain_userid to the inbound link No '2013-11-26 00:02:05'
Document fields
doc_charset text The page’s character encoding No , 'UTF-8'
doc_width int The page's width in pixels No 1024
doc_height int The page's height in pixels No 3000
Marketing / traffic source fields
mkt_medium text Type of traffic source No 'cpc', 'affiliate', 'organic', 'social'
mkt_source text The company / website where the traffic came from No 'Google', 'Facebook'
mkt_term text Any keywords associated with the referrer No 'new age tarot decks'
mkt_content text The content of the ad. (Or an ID so that it can be looked up.) No 13894723
mkt_campaign text The campaign ID No 'diageo-123'
mkt_clickid text The click ID No 'ac3d8e459'
mkt_network text The ad network to which the click ID belongs No 'DoubleClick'
Browser fields
user_fingerprint int A user fingerprint generated by looking at the individual browser features No 2161814971
connection_type text Type of internet connection No No
cookie boolean Does the browser support persistent cookies? No 1
br_name text Browser name No 'Firefox 12'
br_version text Browser version No '12.0'
br_family text Browser family No 'Firefox'
br_type text Browser type No 'Browser'
br_renderengine text Browser rendering engine No 'GECKO'
br_lang text Language the browser is set to No 'en-GB'
br_features_pdf boolean Whether the browser recognizes PDFs No 1
br_features_flash boolean Whether Flash is installed No 1
br_features_java boolean Whether Java is installed No 1
br_features_director boolean Whether Adobe Shockwave is installed No 1
br_features_quicktime boolean Whether QuickTime is installed No 1
br_features_realplayer boolean Whether RealPlayer is installed No 1
br_features_windowsmedia boolean Whether mplayer2 is installed No 1
br_features_gears boolean Whether Google Gears is installed No 1
br_features_silverlight boolean Whether Microsoft Silverlight is installed No 1
br_cookies boolean Whether cookies are enabled No 1
br_colordepth int Bit depth of the browser color palette No 24
br_viewheight int Viewport height No 1000
br_viewwidth int Viewport width No 1000

See issue 94 for more details on br_windowheight and br_windowwidth.

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2.3 Event-specific fields

Snowplow includes specific fields to capture data associated with specific events.

Note that to date, all event types have been defined by Snowplow. Also note that event_vendor values follow the Java package naming convention.

Snowplow currently supports (or will support in the near future) the following event types:

Event type Value of event field in model
2.3.1 Page views 'page_view'
2.3.2 Page pings 'page_ping'
2.3.3 Ecommerce transactions 'transaction' and 'transaction_item'
2.3.4 Errors 'error'
2.3.5 Custom structured events 'struct'
2.3.6 Custom unstructured events 'unstruct'

Details of which fields are available for which events are given below:

2.3.1 Page views

There are currently no fields that are specific to page_view events: all the fields that are required are part of the standard fields available for any web-based event e.g. page_urlscheme, page_title.

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2.3.2 Page pings

There are four additional fields included with page pings that indicate how a user has scrolled over a web page since the last page ping:

Field Type Description Reqd? Example
pp_xoffset_min integer Minimum page x offset seen in the last ping period No 0
pp_xoffset_max integer Maximum page x offset seen in the last ping period No 100
pp_yoffset_min integer Minimum page y offset seen in the last ping period No 0
pp_yoffset_max integer Maximum page y offset seen in the last ping period No 200

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2.3.3 Ecommerce transactions

There are a large number of fields specifically for transaction events.

Fields that start tr_ relate to the transaction as a whole. Fields that start ti_ refer to the specific item included in the transaction. (E.g. a product in the basket.) Single transactions typically span multiple lines of data: there will be a single line where event = transaction, where the tr_ fields are set, and multiple lines (one for each product included) where event = transaction_item and the ti_ fields are set.

Field Type Description Reqd? Example
tr_orderid text Order ID Yes '#134'
tr_affiliation text Transaction affiliation (e.g. store where sale took place) No 'web'
tr_total decimal Total transaction value Yes 12.99
tr_tax decimal Total tax included in transaction value No 3.00
tr_shipping decimal Delivery cost charged No 0.00
tr_total_base* decimal Total in base currency No 12.99
tr_tax_base* decimal Total tax in base currency No 3.00
tr_shipping_base* decimal Delivery cost in base currency No 0.00
tr_city text Delivery address, city No 'London'
tr_state text Delivery address, state No 'Washington'
tr_country text Delivery address, country No 'France'
tr_currency text Currency No 'USD'
ti_orderid text Order ID Yes '#134'
ti_sku text Product SKU Yes 'pbz00123'
ti_name text Product name No 'Cone pendulum'
ti_category text Product category No 'New Age'
ti_price text Product unit price Yes 9.99
ti_price_base* text Price in base currency No 9.99
ti_quantity text Number of product in transaction Yes 2
ti_currency text Currency No 'EUR'
base_currency* text Reporting currency No 'GBP'

* Set exclusively by the Currency conversion enrichment.

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2.3.4 Error tracking

This has not been implemented yet.

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2.3.5 Custom structured events

If you wish to track an event that Snowplow does not recognise as a first class citizen (i.e. one of the events listed above), then you can track them using the generic 'custom structured events'. Currently there are five fields that are available to store data related to custom events: we plant to increase this to 25 in the near future:

Field Type Description Reqd? Example
se_category text Category of event Yes 'ecomm', 'video'
se_action text Action performed / event name Yes 'add-to-basket', 'play-video'
se_label text The object of the action e.g. the ID of the video played or SKU of the product added-to-basket No 'pbz00123'
se_property text A property associated with the object of the action No 'HD', 'large'
se_value decimal A value associated with the event / action e.g. the value of goods added-to-basket No 9.99

See issue 74 for additional information.

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2.3.6 Custom unstructured events

Custom unstructured events are a flexible tool that enable Snowplow users to define their own event types and send them into Snowplow.

When a user sends in a custom unstructured event, they do so as a JSON of name-value properties, that conforms to a JSON schema defined for the event earlier.

The complete JSON envelop for the event is loaded into the table, in the unstruct_event field as shown below:

Field Type Description Reqd? Example
unstruct_event JSON Name of the event Yes {"schema":"iglu:com.mycompany/product_view/jsonschema/1-0-1", "data":{"sku":"14424"}}

In addition, for Snowplow users running Redshift, the unstructured event is shredded into its own table in Amazon Redshift. The fields in this table will be determined by the JSON schema defined for the event in advance. Users can query just the table for that particular unstructured event, if that's all that's required for their analysis, or join that table back to the table by atomic.my_example_unstructured_event_table.root_id =

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2.3.7 Contexts

Contexts enable Snowplow users to define their own entities that are related to events, and fields that are related to each of those entities. For example, an online retailer may choose to define a user context, to store information about a particular user, which might include data points like the users Facebook ID, age, membership details etc. In addition, they may also define a product context, with product data e.g. SKU, name, created date, description, tags etc.

An event can have any number of custom contexts attached. Each context is passed into Snowplow as a JSON. Additionally, the Snowplow Enrichment process can derive additional contexts.

The arrays of contexts JSONs related to an event are loaded directly into the table as described below:

Field Type Description Reqd? Example
contexts array Contexts attached to event by Tracker No [{"schema":"iglu:com.acme/page_type/jsonschema/1-0-0", "data":{"type":"test"}}]
derived_contexts array Contexts attached to event by Enrich No [{"schema":"iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/ua_parser_context/jsonschema/1-0-0", "data":{"deviceFamily":"Windows"}}]

In addition, for users running on Redshift, Snowplow will shred each context JSON into a dedicated table in the atomic schema, making it much more efficient for analysts to query data passed in in any one of the contexts. Those contexts can be joined back to the core table on atomic.my_custom_context_table.root_id =, which is a one-to-one join.

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2.4 Specific unstructured events and custom contexts

These are also a variety of unstructured events and custom contexts defined by Snowplow. You can find their schemas here.

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3. A note about storage data formats

  • Currently, Snowplow data is stored in S3 (for processing in Apache Hive, Pig, and / or Mahout), Redshift and PostgreSQL (for processing by any SQL-compatible analytics package).
  • There are minor differences between the structure of data in both formats. These relate to data structures that Hive and PostgreSQL support (e.g. JSONs) that Redshift does not
  • Nevertheless, the structure of both is similar: representing a fat table
  • Going forwards our intention is to move the storage format for data on S3 from the current flatfile structure to Avro. This will become the 'canonical Snowplow data structure'. Other formats (e.g. Redshift, PostgreSQL etc.) will simply be 'flattened' versions of the same data. We have outlined some of our plans in this blog post.

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