Go to the git and download the snippets folder, then copy the files in the folder to the path directly:
- Mac: /Users/< your-user-name >/Library/Application Support/Code/User/snippets/
- Windows: < your-installed-driver > :\Users\ < your-user-name > \AppData\Roaming\Code\User\snippets\
- From website: Go to Visual Studio Code Marketplace, and search 'Element UI Snippets', then click the install button.
- From VS Code: click extensions sidebar, and search 'Element UI Snippets', then click the install button.
- For the components like
which need children components to be its content, usev-for
to loop to generate the children components.
- All the Element UI tags below, ignore the closure and more detailed information. Such as
, actually that represents<el-radio v-model="${1}" label="${2}">$3</el-radio>
- The sinppets' order follows the order of the components of Guide on Element UI official website basically.
- Totally 108 snippets. Will add more if necessary.
- Only work in .vue file for now.
No. | Trigger Key | Element Tag |
1. | elrow |
<el-row> |
2. | elcol |
<el-col> |
3. | elhc |
hidden-xs-only,hidden-sm-only,etc |
4. | elcon |
<el-container> |
5. | elas |
<el-aside> |
6. | elhe |
<el-header> |
7. | elma |
<el-main> |
8. | elfo |
<el-footer> |
9. | elcb |
#409EFF |
10. | elcs |
#67C23A |
11. | elcw |
#E6A23C |
12. | elcd |
#F56C6C |
13. | elci |
#909399 |
14. | elcpt |
#303133 |
15. | elcrt |
#606266 |
16. | elcst |
#909399 |
17. | elcht |
#C0C4CC |
18. | elcbb |
19. | elclb |
#E4E7ED |
20. | elclrb |
21. | elelb |
22. | eltypo |
font-family: "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,"PingFang SC","Hiragino Sans GB","Microsoft YaHei","微软雅黑",Arial,sans-serif; |
23. | elbbs |
box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .12), 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .04) |
24. | elbls |
box-shadow: 0 2px 12px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) |
25. | elb |
el-button |
26. | elbg |
el-button-group |
27. | ell |
el-link |
No. | Trigger Key | Element Tag |
1. | elr |
<el-radio> |
2. | elrg |
<el-radio-group> |
3. | elrbg |
<el-radio-group> with <el-radio-button> |
4. | elrb |
<el-radio-button> |
5. | elc |
<el-checkbox> |
6. | elcg |
<el-checkbox-group> |
7. | elcbg |
<el-checkbox-group> with <el-checkbox-button> |
8. | elcbt |
<el-checkbox-button> |
9. | eli |
<el-input> |
10. | elit |
<el-input type="textarea"> |
11. | ela |
<el-autocomplete> |
12. | elis |
<template slot=''> |
13. | elin |
<el-input-number> |
14. | elsel |
<el-select> |
15. | elselr |
<el-select remote> |
16. | elop |
<el-option> |
17. | elopg |
<el-option-group> |
18. | elca |
<el-cascader> |
19. | elcap |
<el-cascader-panel> |
20. | elsw |
<el-swtich> |
21. | elsl |
<el-slider> |
22. | eltp |
<el-time-picker> |
23. | elts |
<el-time-select> |
24. | eltsr |
<el-time-select> * 2 |
25. | eltpr |
<el-time-picker is-range> |
26. | eldp |
<el-date-picker> |
27. | eldpr |
<el-date-picker type="daterange,monthrange"> |
28. | eldtp |
<el-date-picker type="datetime"> |
29. | eldtpr |
<el-date-picker type="datetimerange"> |
30. | elu |
<el-upload> |
31. | elra |
<el-rate> |
32. | elcp |
<el-color-picker> |
33. | eltr |
<el-transfer> |
34. | elf |
<el-form> |
35. | elfi |
<el-form-item> |
No. | Trigger Key | Element Tag |
1. | elt |
<el-table> |
2. | eltc |
<el-table-column> |
3. | elta |
<el-tag> |
4. | elpr |
<el-progress> |
5. | eltree |
<el-tree> |
6. | elp |
<el-pagination> |
7. | elba |
<el-badge> |
8. | elav |
<el-avatar> |
No. | Trigger Key | Element Tag |
1. | elal |
<el-alert> |
2. | elloads |
element-loading-* |
3. | elme |
this.$message({}) |
4. | elmebox |
this.$msgbox({}) |
5. | elmeal |
this.$alert({}) |
6. | elmecon |
this.$confirm({}) |
7. | elmepro |
this.$prompt({}) |
8. | elno |
this.$notify({}) |
9. | elnot |
this.$notify.type({}) |
No. | Trigger Key | Element Tag |
1. | elmen |
<el-menu> |
2. | elsubmen |
<el-submenu> |
3. | elmeni |
<el-menu-item> |
4. | eltabs |
<el-tabs> |
5. | eltabp |
<el-tab-pane> |
6. | elbr |
<el-breadcrumb> |
7. | elbri |
<el-breadcrumb-item> |
8. | elpa |
<el-page-header> |
9. | eldr |
<el-dropdown> |
10. | eldri |
<el-dropdown-item> |
11. | elsts |
<el-steps> |
12. | elst |
<el-step> |
No. | Trigger Key | Element Tag |
1. | eldi |
<el-dialog> |
2. | elto |
<el-tooltip> |
3. | elpo |
<el-popover> |
4. | elpoco |
<el-popconfirm> |
5. | elcard |
<el-card> |
6. | elcaro |
<el-carousel> |
7. | elcaroi |
<el-carousel-item> |
8. | elcolla |
<el-collapse> |
9. | elcollai |
<el-collapse-item> |
10. | elti |
<el-timeline> |
11. | eltii |
<el-timeline-item> |
12. | eld |
<el-divider> |
13. | elcal |
<el-calendar> |
14. | elim |
<el-image> |
15. | elback |
<el-backtop> |
16. | elinfi |
v-infinite-scroll |
17. | eldra |
<el-drawer> |