Create an Azure service principal
Follow the Azure documentation to find your Subscription ID from the Azure Portal.
Using the Azure command-line and provide your Subscription ID create a service principal and authentication file.
az ad sp create-for-rbac
--role Owner
--scopes /subscriptions/
Save your Azure JSON output as azure-credentials.json
Create a Kubernetes secret with the Azure credentials A Kubernetes generic secret has a name and contents. Use kubectl create secret to generate the secret object named azure-secret in the crossplane-system namespace.
Use the --from-file= argument to set the value to the contents of the azure-credentials.json file.
kubectl create secret
generic azure-secret-forte
-n crossplane-system
View the secret with kubectl describe secret
After creating a new cluster:
az account set --subscription 98138d28-11c8-4986-b8ed-eba050316c32 az aks get-credentials --resource-group ds-dev-aks --name apps-cluster --overwrite-existing argocd cluster add apps-cluster --name apps-cluster
Get FQDN of new cluster kubectl get kubernetescluster -o custom-columns=NAME:.status.atProvider.nodeResourceGroup,ADDR:.status.atProvider.fqdn