To build Snigdha OS iso, you will require our keyring
, Server Url
and Repository
as well as the chaotic-aur
- Any Arch Based Linux Distrbution. e.g:
etc. - An Active Internet Connection [Stable]
First, install the primary key - it can then be used to install our keyring and mirrorlist.
sudo pacman-key --recv-key 9F2C5C96FE18E143 --keyserver
sudo pacman-key --lsign-key 9F2C5C96FE18E143
sudo pacman -U ''
Server =$repo/$arch
sudo pacman-key --recv-key 3056513887B78AEB --keyserver
sudo pacman-key --lsign-key 3056513887B78AEB
sudo pacman -U ''
sudo pacman -U ''
Append (adding to the end of the file) to /etc/pacman.conf:
Include = /etc/pacman.d/chaotic-mirrorlist
*Use your favorite editor to edit pacman.conf
e.g: nano
, vim
git clone
Get inside,
cd snigdhaos-archiso-arctic/build-arctic/
as an executable file.
chmod +x ./
In case if it doesn't work,
sudo pacman -S archiso
or if you are on Snigdha OS, start from here,
install archiso
Get into the directory snigdhaos-archiso-arctic/
and execute,
sudo mkarchiso -v -w build/ -o iso/ archiso-arctic/
It will start the iso building process. You can add any custom packages of your own. Just edit the packages.x86_64
and insert your package name. e.g: visual-studio-code-bin
, google-chrome
. it will take some time to build depending on your machine. You can have coffee break till it is done.
After the build process has finished, you will get a new directory iso
. And you will find the Snigdha OS installer iso with name snigdhaos-arctic-v$current_version-x86_64.iso
. Now you can install it on your machine or you can test it on any virtual machine.