PyCTree is a collection of tree-based containers for Python, written in C.
You can download and install the latest version from TestPyPI:
$ pip install --index-url pyctree
Alternatively, you can clone this repository and manually build the module:
$ git clone
$ cd pyctree
$ python install
Note that you need to install the python3.x-dev
package, e.g.:
$ sudo apt-get install python3.6-dev
PyCTree types are designed to be drop-in replacements for standard Python types.
Most methods have the same name and signature, for example:
from pyctree import Tree
from random import randint
t = Tree(range(10)) # Initialize by reading from any iterable
print(len(t)) # Get number of nodes
for x in t:
print(x) # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...
assert x in t # True
t.get(1) # Get value from tree
t.get(10, 0) # Return default value or None if key doesn't exist
t.add(randint(0, 9)) # Add a single value
t.update(range(10, 20), [100, 101]) # Add multiple values
t.remove(4) # Remove 4
t.remove(102) # KeyError
except KeyError:
t.discard(102) # Ignore missing key
u = t.copy() # Create a shallow copy of the tree
t.clear() # Remove all nodes
print([*u]) # Unpack tree items
For more informations read the docs.