This repository is nothing more than a proof of concept using Coq's Extraction, BuckleScript, Rollup, Terser, and Closure Compiler to generate safe and fast JavaScript.
Coq is a proof assistant. It means that it is designed to develop mathematical proofs, and especially to write formal specifications, programs and proofs that programs comply to their specifications. An interesting additional feature of Coq is that it can automatically extract executable programs from specifications, as either Objective Caml or Haskell source code. - A short introduction to Coq
BuckleScript isn't a new language. It simply takes OCaml, a fast, pragmatic and typed language, and makes it compile to clean, readable and performant JavaScript code. - What is BuckleScript?
Coq Code
| (Use Coq Compiler)
OCaml Code
| (Use BuckleScript)
Optimized JavaScript Code
| (Use Rollup, Terser, Closure Compiler)
More Optimized JavaScript Code
Fixpoint f n :=
match n with
| O => nat
| S n => nat -> (f n)
Definition sigma: forall n, f n.
intro n; induction n; simpl.
exact O.
intro m.
destruct n; simpl in *.
exact m.
intro o.
apply IHn.
exact (m+o).
type __ = Obj.t
type nat = O | S of nat
(** val add : nat -> nat -> nat **)
let rec add n m = match n with O -> m | S p -> S (add p m)
type f = __
(** val sigma : nat -> f **)
let rec sigma = function
| O -> Obj.magic O
| S n0 ->
Obj.magic (fun m ->
match n0 with
| O -> m
| S _ -> fun o -> Obj.magic sigma n0 (add (Obj.magic m) o))
type __ = Obj.t
type nat = O | S of nat
val add : nat -> nat -> nat
type f = __
val sigma : nat -> f
import * as Curry from "rescript/lib/es6/curry.js";
function add(n, m) {
if (n) {
return /* S */ {
_0: add(n._0, m),
} else {
return m;
function sigma(n0) {
if (!n0) {
return /* O */ 0;
var n0$1 = n0._0;
return function (m) {
if (n0$1) {
return function (o) {
return Curry._1(sigma(n0$1), add(m, o));
} else {
return m;
export { add, sigma };
See the file for build instructions.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.