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Clone of LLVM 10.0.1 with JWA patches to support SML/NJ


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LLVM with Support for JWA Calling Convention

This repository is a version of LLVM with support for the JWA calling convention. It is meant to be used as a submodule for the development branch of Standard ML of New Jersey (SML/NJ) and is based on LLVM version 10.0.1.

Removed components

To reduce the size of the repository, we have removed the following unused (by SML/NJ) components from the LLVM source tree:

benchmarks bindings examples test unittests

The Jump-with-Arguments Calling Convention

The jump-with-arguments (JWA) calling convention is a LLVM calling convention designed to support a no-stack call-with-current-continuation runtime model, such as used in the Manticore and the SML/NJ systems. This source tree is being used as a submodule to support the SML/NJ system.

The important properties of the JWA runtime model are

  • The program is in CPS form, so all calls and returns are represented as function calls.

  • Continuation closures are heap allocated (or allocated in callee-save registers).

  • All dynamic instances of functions share the same stack frame, which is allocated by the runtime system. We use LLVM's naked attribute on functions to disable the allocation/deallocation of stack frames in the function prologue/epilogue code.

  • All arguments are passed in hardware registers.


  • -- shell script for configuring and building the LLVM tools and libraries.

  • cfgc -- source code for a tool that compiles the SML/NJ CFG IR pickles to target code. This tool is used to debug the SML/NJ backend; it is not part of the code generation pipeline.

  • cfgc/LICENSE -- the license for the code in the cfgc sub-directory.

  • cmake -- LLVM's common CMake modules; see cmake/README.rst for details.

  • llvm -- the main LLVM source directory.

  • llvm/CMakePresets.json -- CMake presets that customize the configuration and build process. This file is not part of the standard LLVM sources.

  • llvm/LICENSE.TXT -- the LLVM source code license, which covers the code in the cmake and llvm sub-directories.

  • LLVM-VERSION -- specifies the version of LLVM that this source tree is derived from (which is 10.0.1).

The script will produce several additional directories:

  • bin -- LLVM executables (e.g., llc)

  • build -- the directory used to compile the LLM tools and libraries

  • include -- LLVM include files

  • lib -- LLVM libraries


The original JWA convention was introduced in a 2016 ML Workshop paper.

Compiling with continuations and LLVM, Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on ML, by Kavon Farvardin and John Reppy, September 2016.

which describes using LLVM as a backend for the Manticore system. A longer version of this paper appeared in Volume 285 of EPTCS.

The use of this approach in the SML/NJ system is described in an IFL paper.

A New Backend for Standard ML of New Jersey, Proceedings of the 32nd Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages (IFL '20), by Kavon Farvardin and John Reppy, September 2020.


The main difference from the original LLVM source tree is that we modify the sources to support the JWA calling convention (details are given below). In addition to these changes, we prune parts of the source tree that are not relevant to its use in the SML/NJ system and we made a couple of small changes to integrate with our use of CMake.

Pruned Sources

As described above, we removed the following subdirectories from the LLVM source tree.

rm -rf benchmarks bindings examples test unittests

CMake Changes

The LLVM project has many tools and components that we do not use (e.g., the components that we prune from the source). Therefore, we need to specify a large number of CMake variables to disable these components. We add the file src/CMakePresets.json and use CMake's --presets option to simplify the configuration of the system.

Patching LLVM

LLVM needs to be modified to support the JWA calling convention that we use. The modifications are fairly simple, and are described for LLVM 10 below, where $LLVM denotes the root of the LLVM source tree. The patch is organized into general changes to add JWA as a calling convention and target-specific changes to support the calling convention on specific targets. We currently have patches to support the 64-bit X86 and Arm targets.

There is some documentation about how to specify calling conventions in "Writing an LLVM Backend"

Fixing SelectionDAGBuilder.cpp

In Version 11.0.0 of LLVM, a change was made to SelectionDAGISel::LowerArguments in the $LLVM/lib/CodeGen/SelectionDAG/SelectionDAGBuilder.cpp file that breaks the handling of the naked attribute on functions with arguments (see commit 4dba59689d008df7be37733de4bb537b2911d3ad). This change needs to be reverted to make things work, so we add the following #ifdef to disable the bogus code:

  // In Naked functions we aren't going to save any registers.
  if (F.hasFnAttribute(Attribute::Naked))

There is an open issue (51741) on this bug, but it does not seem to be high priority for a fix.


The file $LLVM/include/llvm/IR/CallingConv.h assigns integer codes for the various calling conventions. In LLVM 10.0.1, the last number assigned is 19 (for the CFGuard_Check convention), so we use 20 for JWA. Add the following code to the file just before the first target-specific code (which will be 64).

    /// JWA - "Jump With Arguments" is a calling convention that requires the
    /// use of registers for parameter passing. It is designed for language
    /// implementations that do not use a stack, however, it will not warn
    /// if there are not enough registers for a given function. The lack of
    /// warning is needed in order to properly utilize musttail calls as
    /// jumps because they are picky about parameters.
    JWA = 20,

Supporting jwacc in LLVM Assembler

To support using the symbolic name jwacc for the calling convention in LLVM assembler (useful for debugging the code generator, but not required for the SML/NJ compiler), we must modify the parser and pretty printer for LLVM assembly code.


Add kw_jwacc as a token in $LLVM/include/llvm/AsmParser/LLToken.h (I added it following kw_swifttailcc).


Add the following keyword definition


to the file $LLVM/lib/AsmParser/LLLexer.cpp (again, following KEYWORD(swifttailcc);).


Add the following comment

///   ::= 'jwacc'

and case

  case lltok::kw_jwacc:          CC = CallingConv::JWA; break;

to the function LLParser::ParseOptionalCallingConv in the file $LLVM/lib/AsmParser/LLParser.cpp. I add these following the swifttailcc, which is calling convention 20.


The file $LLVM/lib/IR/AsmWriter.cpp implements printing of the LLVM assembly code. Modify it by adding the case

  case CallingConv::JWA:           Out << "jwacc"; break;

to the function PrintCallingConv.


To support the JWA convention on the X86, we need to modify a number of files in the directory $LLVM/lib/Target/X86/.

The file $LLVM/lib/Target/X86/ describes the calling conventions for the x86 and x86-64 (aka amd64) architectures using LLVM's TabgeGen language. We need to add several chunks of code to the file. I added the first just before the Return Value Calling Conventions section.

// The JWA calling convention for x86_64. Note that this is
// also used as the return convention in order to implement call/cc.
// True returns are not the norm. We _never_ use the stack.
def CC_X86_64_JWA : CallingConv<[

  // Promote i8/i16/i32 arguments to i64.
  CCIfType<[i8, i16, i32], CCPromoteToType<i64>>,

  // The only registers we skip are RAX and RSP.

  // registers are ordered according to SML/NJ convention as follows:
  // alloc, limit, store, link, clos, cont, misc0, ..., misc3, arg, ... misc6
        RDI, R14, R15,  // ALLOC, LIMIT, STORE
        R8, R9, RSI,    // LINK, CLOS, CONT
        RBP, R10, R11,  // ARG, MISC3, MISC4,
        R12, R13        // MISC5, MISC6

  // Use as many vector registers as possible!
  // NOTE: we are assuming that SSE is never disabled for JWA, since it
  // would break upstream assumptions in the SML/NJ compiler.
  CCIfType<[f32, f64, v16i8, v8i16, v4i32, v2i64, v4f32, v2f64],
      XMM0, XMM1, XMM2, XMM3, XMM4, XMM5, XMM6, XMM7,
      XMM8, XMM9, XMM10, XMM11, XMM12, XMM13, XMM14, XMM15]>>,

  // AVX (256-bit) vector registers
  CCIfType<[v32i8, v16i16, v8i32, v4i64, v8f32, v4f64],
	YMM0, YMM1, YMM2, YMM3, YMM4, YMM5, YMM6, YMM7,
	YMM8, YMM9, YMM10, YMM11, YMM12, YMM13, YMM14, YMM15]>>>,

  // AVX-512 (512-bit) vector registers
  CCIfType<[v64i8, v32i16, v16i32, v8i64, v16f32, v8f64],
	ZMM0, ZMM1, ZMM2, ZMM3, ZMM4, ZMM5, ZMM6, ZMM7,
	ZMM8, ZMM9, ZMM10, ZMM11, ZMM12, ZMM13, ZMM14, ZMM15,
	ZMM16, ZMM17, ZMM18, ZMM19, ZMM20, ZMM21, ZMM22, ZMM23,
	ZMM24, ZMM25, ZMM26, ZMM27, ZMM28, ZMM29, ZMM30, ZMM31]>>>


The convention definition above specifies the decision procedure for assigning each argument of a function, from left-to-right, based on the type of the argument. The first directive says to treat all i8/i16/i32 values as i64, since x86-64 general-purpose registers can handle any of these values via their narrower aliases. Then, the next directive says if the argument can be treated as an i64, use the first available register from the given list. For calls that do not make use of, say, the standard return-continuation register, an LLVM undef value can be passed in to that argument position in the LLVM IR in order to effectively skip-over that register during this convention decision procedure.

Because the JWA convention does not really return (instead, we use JWA to invoke a return continuation), we delegate the return convention to the calling convention. The following lines need to be added to the definition of the "root return-value convention for the X86-64 backend" (RetCC_X86_64):

  // Handle JWA calls.
  CCIfCC<"CallingConv::JWA", CCDelegateTo<CC_X86_64_JWA>>,

The following line needs to be added to the definition of the "root argument convention for the X86-64 backend" (CC_X86_64):

CCIfCC<"CallingConv::JWA", CCDelegateTo<CC_X86_64_JWA>>,


In the file $LLVM/lib/Target/X86/X86FastISel.cpp, the function computeBytesPoppedByCalleeForSRet needs to be modified to recognize the JWA convention.

  if (CC == CallingConv::Fast || CC == CallingConv::GHC ||
      CC == CallingConv::HiPE || CC == CallingConv::Tail ||
      CC == CallingConv::SwiftTail || CC == CallingConv::JWA)
    return 0;


In the file $LLVM/lib/Target/X86/X86ISelLoweringCall.cpp, we need to add a check for JWA to the function canGuaranteeTCO.

static bool canGuaranteeTCO(CallingConv::ID CC) {
  return (CC == CallingConv::Fast || CC == CallingConv::GHC ||
          CC == CallingConv::X86_RegCall || CC == CallingConv::HiPE ||
          CC == CallingConv::Tail || CC == CallingConv::SwiftTail ||
          CC == CallingConv::JWA);


In the file $LLVM/lib/Target/X86/X86RegisterInfo.cpp, we need to add cases for JWA to the method getCalleeSavedRegs:

  case CallingConv::GHC:
  case CallingConv::HiPE:
  case CallingConv::JWA:
    return CSR_NoRegs_SaveList;

and to the method getCallPreservedMask

  case CallingConv::GHC:
  case CallingConv::HiPE:
  case CallingConv::JWA:
    return CSR_NoRegs_RegMask;


The basic approach to supporting the AArch64 (aka arm64) target is similar to the X86, but the details are different. Both because of differences in the number of target registers and because the LLVM code for the AArch64 is writting in a different style (e.g., conditionals instead of switch statements for testing calling conventions). As before, we need to modify a number of files in the directory $LLVM/lib/Target/AArch64/.

At the end of the file $LLVM/lib/Target/AArch64/, add the following code:

// JWA Calling Convention

// The "Jump With Arguments" calling convention is designed to support the
// "continuation-passing, closure-passing" model used by SML/NJ and the Manticore
// compiler.  The convention is described in the paper "Compiling with Continuations
// and LLVM" (
let Entry = 1 in
def CC_AArch64_JWA : CallingConv<[
  CCIfType<[iPTR], CCBitConvertToType<i64>>,
  CCIfType<[i1, i8, i16, i32], CCPromoteToType<i64>>,
  // SML/NJ argument order:
  //	alloc, limit, store, exn, var, link, clos, cont,
  //    misc0, ..., misc3, arg, misc4, .., misc17
	X24, X25, X26, X27, X28,	// ALLOC, LIMIT, STORE, EXN, VAR
	X3, X2, X1,			// LINK, CLOS, CONT
	X4, X5, X6,			// MISC0-MISC2 (aka, CS0-CS2)
	X0, X7, X8, X9, X10, X11, X12,	// ARG, MISC3-MISC8
	X13, X14, X15, X16, X19, X20,	// MISC9-MISC14
	X21, X22, X23			// MISC15-MISC17
      [W24, W25, W26, W27, W28,	W3, W2, W1, W4, W5, W6,	W0, W7, W8, W9, W10, W11, W12,
	W13, W14, W15, W16, W19, W20, W21, W22, W23]>>,
  // there are 32 float/vector registers, but we only make 16 of them available
  // for parameter passing
  CCIfType<[f32], CCAssignToRegWithShadow<
    [S0, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S15],
    [Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10, Q11, Q12, Q13, Q14, Q15]>>,
  CCIfType<[f64], CCAssignToRegWithShadow<
    [D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D14, D15],
    [Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10, Q11, Q12, Q13, Q14, Q15]>>

// use the same convention for returns
let Entry = 1 in
def RetCC_AArch64_JWA : CallingConv<[

Note that the let Entry = 1 is necessary to make the function visible in the llvm namespace; otherwise it will be marked as a static function.


To the file $LLVM/lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64CallingConvention.h add the following function prototypes:

bool CC_AArch64_JWA(unsigned ValNo, MVT ValVT, MVT LocVT,
                    CCValAssign::LocInfo LocInfo, ISD::ArgFlagsTy ArgFlags,
                    CCState &State);
bool RetCC_AArch64_JWA(unsigned ValNo, MVT ValVT, MVT LocVT,
                         CCValAssign::LocInfo LocInfo, ISD::ArgFlagsTy ArgFlags,
                         CCState &State);


In the file $LLVM/lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64FastISel.cpp, we make the following changes. In the method AArch64FastISel::CCAssignFnForCall, add the following statement before the final return:

  if (CC == CallingConv::JWA)
    return CC_AArch64_JWA;

And in the function AArch64FastISel::selectRet, replace the statement

    CCInfo.AnalyzeReturn(Outs, RetCC_AArch64_AAPCS);


    if (CC == CallingConv::JWA) {
        CCInfo.AnalyzeReturn(Outs, RetCC_AArch64_JWA);
    } else {
        CCInfo.AnalyzeReturn(Outs, RetCC_AArch64_AAPCS);


In the file $LLVM/lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64RegisterInfo.cpp, we make several additions.

In the method AArch64RegisterInfo::getCalleeSavedRegs, add the following test following the similar code for the GHC convention.

  if (MF->getFunction().getCallingConv() == CallingConv::JWA)
    // no callee-saves for JWA
    return CSR_AArch64_NoRegs_SaveList;

NOTE: it might be better to merge the GHC and JWA cases into a single conditional.

In AArch64RegisterInfo::getCallPreservedMask method, change the GHC test to the following statement:

  if ((CC == CallingConv::GHC) || (CC == CallingConv::JWA))
    // This is academic because all GHC/JWA calls are (supposed to be) tail calls
    return SCS ? CSR_AArch64_NoRegs_SCS_RegMask : CSR_AArch64_NoRegs_RegMask;

Add the following assertion to the AArch64RegisterInfo::getThisReturnPreservedMask method:

  assert(CC != CallingConv::JWA && "should not be JWA calling convention.");


There are several changes to the $LLVM/lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64ISelLowering.cpp file. In the method AArch64TargetLowering::CCAssignFnForCall, add the case

  case CallingConv::JWA:
    return CC_AArch64_JWA;

Add the following case to the switch statement in AArch64TargetLowering::CCAssignFnForReturn:

  case CallingConv::JWA:
    return RetCC_AArch64_JWA;

Lastly, change the function canGuaranteeTCO to the following:

static bool canGuaranteeTCO(CallingConv::ID CC, bool GuaranteeTailCalls) {
  return (CC == CallingConv::Fast && GuaranteeTailCalls) ||
         CC == CallingConv::Tail || CC == CallingConv::SwiftTail ||
         CC == CallingConv::JWA;


In $LLVM/lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64FrameLowering.cpp, we add the following statement

  // All calls are tail calls in JWA calling conv, and functions have no
  // prologue/epilogue.
  if (MF.getFunction().getCallingConv() == CallingConv::JWA)

in three places (following the similar code for the GHC calling convention):

  • in method AArch64FrameLowering::emitPrologue

  • in method AArch64FrameLowering::emitEpilogue

  • in method AArch64FrameLowering::determineCalleeSaves


Clone of LLVM 10.0.1 with JWA patches to support SML/NJ







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