- Add single class Alert+Block.swift into your project
Show Simple Alert
@IBAction func showDefaultAlert(_ sender: Any) {
Alert.showAlert(title:"Alert", message:"Default Alert")
Show Alert With Action Block
@IBAction func showDefaultAlertWithActionBlock(_ sender: Any) {
Alert.showAlertWithHandler(title:"Alert", message:"Alert with ActionBlock") { (index) in switch(index){ case AlertAction.Ok: print("Ok button pressed") case AlertAction.Cancel: print("Cancel button pressed") } }
Show Alert With Action Block And Custom Title For Buttons
@IBAction func showAlertWithCustomTitle(_ sender: Any) {
Alert.showAlertWithHandler(title: "Alert", message: "Alert with custom button text and ActionBlock", okButtonTitle: "YES", cancelButtionTitle: "NO") { (index) in switch(index){ case AlertAction.Ok: print("YES button pressed") case AlertAction.Cancel: print("NO button pressed") } }
Show Alert With Action Block having more than two buttons
@IBAction func showAlertWithMoreButtons(_ sender: Any) {
let buttons = ["First Button", "Second Button", "Third Button", "Forth Button"] Alert.showAlertWithHandler(title: "Alert", message: "Alert with four buttons", buttonsTitles: buttons, showAsActionSheet: false) { (index) in switch(index){ case 0: print("First button pressed") case 1: print("Second button pressed") case 2: print("Third button pressed") case 3: print("Forth button pressed") default: print("Nothing") } }
Show Actionsheet
Note: You just need to pass boolean value as: showAsActionSheet: true
@IBAction func showAlertAsActionSheet(_ sender: Any) {
let buttons = ["First Button", "Second Button", "Third Button", "Cancel"] Alert.showAlertWithHandler(title: "Alert", message: "Actionsheet with four buttons", buttonsTitles: buttons, showAsActionSheet: true) { (index) in switch(index){ case 0: print("First button pressed") case 1: print("Second button pressed") case 2: print("Third button pressed") case 3: print("Cancel button pressed") default: print("Nothing") } }