Java is not favorite language among supported by Google's or-tools project. This repo is a collection of Java
samples to facilitate learning of or-tools project. The or-tools project source code has more Java examples in github repository.
Users are welcome to use IDE of their choice but any sample in this repository can be run by command line:
$ javac @options.arg src/samples/routing/
$ java -cp 'out:lib/*' -Djava.library.path=lib/rt routing.SimpleRoutingTest
> javac @options.arg src\samples\routing\
> java -cp "out;lib\*" -Djava.library.path=lib\rt routing.SimpleRoutingTest
These java examples use Google OR-TOOLS routing APIs v6.10 Release 6.10.602. Notes v6.10 requires minimum Java 8.
The map of routes used in all samples.
SimpleRoutingTest - simplest test. Search of a shortest path to go around all customers.
There are no constraints => fully optimal route for single vehicle: cost 13 solution [0, 2, 3, 1].
SimpleRoutingMultiVehicles - search for optimal solution with two vehicles.
Limitation on volume is added. Each vehicle can take up to 2 loads => optimal routes with work split between two vehicles: cost 18 solution [[0, 3, 1], [0, 2]].
RoutingWithTimeTest - search for optimal solution with time constraint. This demo is collection of Java classes that structures VRP problem into simple pieces. Routing
implements simplest VRP. RoutingBasic
adds volume constraint. RoutingWithTime
adds time windows constraints. Locations 3 and 1 are set with first priority in service time => optimal routes became longer: cost 23 solution [[0, 3, 2], [0, 1]].
Solving trivial MIP using or-tools build-in CBC solver.
Using MIP wrapper around SAT solver: Knapsack MIP problem solution using ortools build-in BOP-SAT solver.
Solving MIP close to optimality Multi Knapsack MIP when optimality is out of reach by the solver. Note extra constraint that assigns one item per bin that compromises optimality to reduce search space.
Solving trivial MIP as CP using Google CP-SAT solver.
Using CP wrapper around SAT solver: Knapsack SAT problem solution using ortools build-in CP-SAT solver.
Example Multi Knapsack CP.