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show a more verbose message when perform gas is lower than gas used #52947

show a more verbose message when perform gas is lower than gas used

show a more verbose message when perform gas is lower than gas used #52947

Workflow file for this run

# This action checks PRs to see if any CHANGELOG* files were updated.
# If none were, it will add a message to the PR asking if it would make sense to do so.
name: Changelog
on: pull_request
# For security reasons, GITHUB_TOKEN is read-only on forks, so we cannot leave comments on PRs.
# This check skips the job if it is detected we are running on a fork.
if: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == 'smartcontractkit/chainlink' }}
name: Changelog checker
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check for changed files
id: changedfiles
uses: umani/changed-files@d7f842d11479940a6036e3aacc6d35523e6ba978 # Version 4.1.0
repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
pattern: '^docs/CHANGELOG.*$'
- name: Make a comment
uses: unsplash/comment-on-pr@ffe8f97ccc63ce12c3c23c6885b169db67958d3b # Version 1.3.0
if: contains(steps.changedfiles.outputs.files_updated, 'CHANGELOG') != true && contains(steps.changedfiles.outputs.files_created, 'CHANGELOG') != true
msg: "I see that you haven't updated any CHANGELOG files. Would it make sense to do so?"
check_for_duplicate_msg: true
- name: Collect Metrics
if: always()
id: collect-gha-metrics
uses: smartcontractkit/push-gha-metrics-action@d1618b772a97fd87e6505de97b872ee0b1f1729a # v2.0.2
basic-auth: ${{ secrets.GRAFANA_CLOUD_BASIC_AUTH }}
hostname: ${{ secrets.GRAFANA_CLOUD_HOST }}
this-job-name: Changelog checker
continue-on-error: true