Scientific Photo Analysis for Research & Conservation 'database (SPARC'd), known during development as Scientific Animal Image Analysis (SANIMAL)
SPARC'd is a program developed for the University of Arizona's Jaguar and Ocelot Monitoring Project at the Wild Cat Research and Conservation Center, School of Natural Resources and the Environment Department.
- *It allows users to tag camera trap image data, transfer it onto a database, and then query it.
Clone the repository and build it using maven. All dependencies will be automatically fetched.
Java 15:
If you want to run the software without needing to build from source, prebuilt executables can be found in the Version History directory
Sanimal X.Y.Z.jar is the original legacy software written in Swing which was the predecessor to SanimalFX.
Sanimal FX X.Y.jar is the current latest build of Sanimal FX including all dependencies.
Executables are executed with:
java -jar 'Sanimal FX X.Y.jar'
Clone the github repository into a directory:
git clone <directory>
Build the project into an executable JAR file to run:
cd '<directory>/Sanimal FX'
mvn -U compile package
Run the program:
java -jar '<directory>/Sanimal FX/target/SanimalFX-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar'
Maven - Dependency Management
This Beta Version of “SPARC’d” is being developed by University of Arizona School of Natural Resources and the Environment (SNRE) and CyVerse.
- David Slovikosky - Lead Developer - DavidM1A2
- Susan Malusa - Project Coordination/Design - smalusa
- Project Site Documentation - smalusa
- Co-Principal Investigators - Dr. Melanie Culver and Nirav Merchant
- Technical Advisors - Dr. Richard Snodgrass and Dr. Carlos Scheidegger
- CyVerse Support - Dr. Blake Joyce, Tony Edgin, Julian Pistorius and Chris Schnaufer
- Support and Ideas - The University of Arizona Jaguar & Ocelot Monitoring Team, The Slovikosky Family