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Pull requests: smaddis/smad-deploy-azure

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Pull requests list

#95 by Nindemic was merged Sep 15, 2022
Route traffic only through Ambassador API gateway safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#93 by msrn was merged Nov 27, 2021
3 of 4 tasks
Lock Hono Helm chart version safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#92 by msrn was merged Aug 12, 2021
Disable HTTP messaging safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#89 by Nindemic was merged Aug 3, 2021 Loading…
Kafka safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#88 by Nindemic was closed Aug 12, 2021 Loading…
Disable example data insertion into device registry safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#87 by Nindemic was merged Jul 26, 2021 Loading…
Add kafka support for Hono tests
#86 by msrn was merged Jul 22, 2021 Loading…
Disable Azure log analytics safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#85 by Nindemic was merged Jul 12, 2021 Loading…
Create proper domain address for services and provision LE cert safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#84 by msrn was merged Jul 9, 2021 Loading…
Update Hono version into 1.8.0 safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#83 by Nindemic was merged Jul 5, 2021 Loading…
Add Influx as long-term storage for monitoring data safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#81 by Nindemic was merged May 5, 2021 Loading…
Enable https and ambassador routing safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#80 by ghost was merged Jun 1, 2021 Loading…
Switch to secret to provide Grafana dashboards safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#77 by JouHouFin was merged May 4, 2021 Loading…
Change testing node count to 2 safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#76 by msrn was merged May 4, 2021 Loading…
Use separate RG for K8S persistent volumes safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#75 by JouHouFin was merged May 4, 2021 Loading…
Add ability to assing sensitive values from tfvars safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#74 by msrn was merged Apr 27, 2021 Loading…
Lock jaeger version and improve documentation safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#73 by msrn was merged Apr 27, 2021 Loading…
Deploy prometheus via separate chart question Further information is requested safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#72 by JouHouFin was merged Apr 20, 2021 Loading…
Add timeout, increase exception handling and clarify naming safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#64 by Nindemic was merged Apr 27, 2021 Loading…
Use PRs branch instead of target branch, and remove check on pushes safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#62 by msrn was merged Apr 3, 2021 Loading…
Use hono_values.yaml for non-sensitive values safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#60 by JouHouFin was merged Apr 2, 2021 Loading…
Lock provider version constraints to patch releases safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#59 by JouHouFin was merged Apr 2, 2021 Loading…
Modify Github action to allow push checking safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#58 by msrn was merged Apr 2, 2021 Loading…
Add Jaeger independent of Hono safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#57 by ghost was merged Apr 6, 2021 Loading…
Switch mongodb deployment from Hono helm chart to Bitnami chart question Further information is requested safe-to-test PR's that are safe to test with the pipeline
#56 by JouHouFin was merged Apr 2, 2021 Loading…
ProTip! Filter pull requests by the default branch with base:master.