Releases: smack42/ColorFill
Releases · smack42/ColorFill
release 1.3.3
- updated FlatLaf - Flat Look and Feel to current version 3.2
- improved AStarPuchertStrategy - runs even faster
- added 99problems, another set of test cases
- all specified optimal solutions in the files are confirmed by ColorFill
- performed another complete benchmark run of codegolf26232
- latest run took 54 minutes 16 seconds
(21 minutes faster than previous version 1.3.2)
- latest run took 54 minutes 16 seconds
release 1.3.2
- updated FlatLaf - Flat Look and Feel to version 2.0.1
- improved AStarPuchertStrategy and AStarFlolleStrategy
- they use less memory and run slightly faster
- performed another complete benchmark run of codegolf26232
- same optimal result of 1,985,078 steps
- first run in early 2018 (using version 1.1.1) took about 120 hours
- latest run took 75 minutes - this huge speedup was made possible by:
- the numerous code optimizations (about 5 times as fast as version 1.1.1)
- and the much more powerful computer (8-cores CPU with 64 GB of RAM)
release 1.3.1
- added GUI Look&Feel configuration to settings dialog
- added FlatLaf - Flat Look and Feel (with 2 light and 2 dark themes)
- Copyright 2019 FormDev Software GmbH
- FlatLaf is open source licensed under the Apache License 2.0
- added color scheme: Grayscale
- added highlight color: Blue
- small speedup of AStarPuchertStrategy and AStarFlolleStrategy
release 1.3.0
- Java 8 or higher is required
- added checkboxes to switch on/off each solver strategy (persistent setting)
- DfsExhaustiveStrategy is disabled by default (it's so slow)
- optimized AStarPuchertStrategy (about twice as fast as version 1.2.2)
- optimal solutions are found in less time and using less memory
- added AStarFlolleStrategy
- idea is taken from the program "terminal-flood" by Flolle (Florian Fischer)
- based on terminal-flood InadmissibleSlowStrategy, with minor modifications
- doesn't always find optimal solutions, but usually finds very good solutions
- runs faster and uses less memory than AStarPuchertStrategy
- added "-benchmark" feature
- command line parameters: -benchmark [solver strategy]
- in folder "benchmark" there are a shell script, some test data and results
- several of the test datasets have been copied from Flolle's terminal-flood
- improved import/export of Board data from/to text data
- supports arbitrary characters for colors (not limited to numbers anymore)
- maximum number of distinct characters (colors) per board is 16
release 1.2.2
- optimized AStarPuchertStrategy (more than twice as fast as version 1.1.1)
release 1.2.1
- game board retains its aspect ratio when the window is resized
release 1.2
- added GUI checkbox and persistent prefs for computed solutions
- game board remains a square when the window is resized
- optimized AStarPuchertStrategy (faster and uses less memory)
release 1.1.2
- added special highlighting of cells if this color will be completed in one move
- improved graphics performance by using antialiasing for the circles only
release 1.1.1
- small speedup of AStarPuchertStrategy
- program has solved the challenge: Code Golf: Create a Flood Paint AI
- using AStarPuchertStrategy to find optimal solutions
- result is 1,985,078 steps
- fixed initialization of graphical user interface, now compatible with Java 10
release 1.1
- optimized DfsExhaustiveStrategy
- much faster then before
- solves Programming Challenge 19 in about 1/3 of the previous time (now 47 minutes)
- added AStarPuchertStrategy
- better heuristic for AStar (A*) solver
- idea taken from the program "floodit" by Aaron and Simon Puchert
- finds optimal solutions (shortest possible)
- much faster than DfsExhaustiveStrategy
- solves Programming Challenge 19 in less than 2 (!) minutes