Route53 dynamic dns updater written in Python
If you are using Amazon's Route53 DNS Service and want to connect a box at home, this one is for you. The script will determine your current IP address and update your Route53 hosted zone record if necessary.
It will also create a new record if non exists under the hostename. If no hostename was configured it will by default use the systems hostname.
The updater is using the Boto project, a python interface to Amazon Web Services. Please download and install Boto from here:
Clone it on your system:
git clone
Configure AWS keys and hosted_zone etc. in r53dd/updater.cfg (see documentation inside file)
Alternatively this file can be placed under /etc/r53dd.
Create a cronjob to check and update your IP automatically:
# crontab
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/python /home/slot/r53dd/ > /home/slot/r53dd.log