This repository contains a Slim Framework OAuth middleware.
Enables you to authenticate using various OAuth providers.
The middleware allows registration with various oauth services and uses a user service to register/retrieve the user details. After registration/authentication it responds with a Authorization header which it expects to be returned as is to authorise further requests. It's up to the supplied user service how this is accomplished.
Via Composer
$ composer require slimphp-api/slim-oauth
Requires Slim 3.0.0 or newer.
use Slim\App;
use SlimApi\OAuth\OAuthFactory;
use SlimApi\OAuth\OAuthMiddleware;
$app = new App();
$container = $app->getContainer();
// these should all probably be in some configuration class
$container['oAuthCreds'] = [
'github' => [
'key' => 'abc',
'secret' => '123',
$container[SlimApi\OAuth\OAuthFactory::class] = function($container)
return new OAuthFactory($container->get('oAuthCreds'));
$container[SlimApi\OAuth\UserServiceInterface::class] = function($container)
//user service should implement SlimApi\OAuth\UserServiceInterface
//user model should have a token variable to hold the random token sent to the client
return new Foo\Service\UserService($container->get('Foo\Model\User'));
$container[SlimApi\OAuth\OAuthMiddleware::class] = function($container)
return new OAuthMiddleware($container->get('SlimApi\OAuth\OAuthFactory'), $container->get('SlimApi\OAuth\UserServiceInterface'));
Example user service
namespace Foo\Service;
use SlimApi\OAuth\UserServiceInterface;
use OAuth\Common\Service\ServiceInterface;
class UserService implements UserServiceInterface {
public function __construct($userModel)
$this->userModel = $userModel;
public function createUser(ServiceInterface $service)
// request the user information from github
// could go further with this and check org/team membership
$user = json_decode($service->request('user'), true);
// try to find user by the oauth server's user id,
// best way since oauth token might have been invalidated
$models = $this->userModel->byRemoteId($user['id'])->get();
$model = $models->first();
if (!$model) {
// create and save a new user
$model = new $this->userModel([
'remote_id' => $user['id']
$model->oauth_token = $service->getStorage()->retrieveAccessToken('GitHub')->getAccessToken();
$model->token = 'randomstringj0'; // this isn't really random, but it should be!
return $model;
public function findOrNew($authToken)
// retrieve the user by the authToken provided
// this could also be from some fast access redis db
$users = $this->userModel->byToken($authToken)->get();
$user = $users->first();
// or return a blank entry if it doesn't exist
return ($user ?: new $this->userModel);
Once it's all configured redirecting the user to https://domain/auth/<oauthtype>?return=<https://post.authentication/frontend>
where oauthtype is the service to authentication ie github and the return url parameter is where you want the user redirected to AFTER authentication.
Client ( requires the user to register/authenticate
-> redirects to
-> api redirects to GitHub to authenticate
-> GitHub asks user to verify
-> GitHub redirects back to with a temp code in the url
-> api exchanges temp code for permanent token
-> api asks user service to verify/store user and details and return user object (must have token param)
-> api redirects back to client with an Authorization header `'token '.$user->token`
-> client adds Authorization header to all subsequent requests
-> api retrieves user object by Authorization token to check existence
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.