This is a collection of my notes and useful info related to Q-Scout and its QmindX controller.
Previous 2018 versions of the controller - Qmind and Qmind Plus - were based on Atmega 328 / 2560 ("Arduino UNO / Mega")
There are many sources of information for these boards, including schematics (see Links).
Current 2021 version - QmindX - is based on ESP32, and information is scarce.

Q-Scout hardware is fantastic in quality, QmindX is very well designed, powerful and high quality product, and underlying firmware/library is actually very good.
But the company, in my opinion, dropped the ball when it failed to deliver documentation for all the above, thus limiting average user's learning experience to a Scratch-programmed toy.
For a true educational robot, the Support site should have thorough documentation on how to use it outside of MyQode/Scratch "closed ecosystem", and how to program it with C++ and Python.
While there's complete lack of info on this from the official site, there is a simple trick that allows coding in Arduino IDE - the same as you would for Arduino UNO and alike.
Here is how:
"If you want to know more about the product, pls reach us at [email protected]" (2020 Amazon) ;-)
Note: see Q-scout-course-EN.pdf here:
Very good info here (use Chrome right click to translate):
Some materials from these links can be found in my Docs folder here. -- main site, see "downloads" for MyQode for PC
Note: When MyQote is installed, lots of code is placed here: C:\Program Files\MyQode\resources\remote\sources -- a taste of Scratch programming online -- Wiki (links to video tutorials there) -- original "Metal Robot" info, useful - but mostly 2018 version -- search - Arduino library, Wiki, schematics etc. -- search for QmindX (ESP32) -- ESP32 API -- search