This is an app I've made to try out the Flutter framework. I haven't done anything for mobile devices before, so I thought I'd give it a shot.
This repo only has the source code in it, not the Flutter project, so if you would want to run that yourself, you need to create a new Flutter project and copy my code into it.
Only ever built for Android, since I don't own an Apple Device.
The code is a heavily modified version of a project I did for a one-day course on mobile apps.
Feel free to download the apk if you want: https://bbbaden-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/s_kappeler_inf19_stud_bbbaden_ch/Ev6FcF_jHhpNttnXVZXudpAB7KVdccyp8k1cR5fmP0FbhA