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ruck314 authored Oct 10, 2024
1 parent 266afd6 commit acb0d6d
Showing 1 changed file with 57 additions and 175 deletions.
232 changes: 57 additions & 175 deletions axi/axi-lite/rtl/AxiVersion.vhd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,3 @@
-- Company : SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
-- Description: Creates AXI accessible registers containing configuration
-- information.
-- This file is part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library'.
-- It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE.txt file found in the
-- top-level directory of this distribution and at:
-- No part of 'SLAC Firmware Standard Library', including this file,
-- may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to
-- the terms contained in the LICENSE.txt file.

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
Expand All @@ -22,23 +8,9 @@ library surf;
use surf.StdRtlPkg.all;
use surf.AxiLitePkg.all;

entity AxiVersion is
entity MyGpioModule is
generic (
TPD_G : time := 1 ns;
RST_ASYNC_G : boolean := false;
BUILD_INFO_G : BuildInfoType;
SIM_DNA_VALUE_G : slv := X"000000000000000000000000";
DEVICE_ID_G : slv(31 downto 0) := (others => '0');
CLK_PERIOD_G : real := 8.0E-9; -- units of seconds
XIL_DEVICE_G : string := "7SERIES"; -- Either "7SERIES" or "ULTRASCALE"
EN_DEVICE_DNA_G : boolean := false;
EN_DS2411_G : boolean := false;
EN_ICAP_G : boolean := false;
USE_SLOWCLK_G : boolean := false;
BUFR_CLK_DIV_G : positive := 8;
AUTO_RELOAD_EN_G : boolean := false;
AUTO_RELOAD_TIME_G : positive := 10; -- units of seconds
AUTO_RELOAD_ADDR_G : slv(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'));
TPD_G : time := 1 ns);
port (
-- AXI-Lite Interface
axiClk : in sl;
Expand All @@ -47,179 +19,91 @@ entity AxiVersion is
axiReadSlave : out AxiLiteReadSlaveType;
axiWriteMaster : in AxiLiteWriteMasterType;
axiWriteSlave : out AxiLiteWriteSlaveType;
-- Optional: User Reset
userReset : out sl;
-- Optional: FPGA Reloading Interface
fpgaEnReload : in sl := '1';
fpgaReload : out sl;
fpgaReloadAddr : out slv(31 downto 0);
upTimeCnt : out slv(31 downto 0);
-- Optional: Serial Number outputs
slowClk : in sl := '0';
dnaValueOut : out slv(127 downto 0);
fdValueOut : out slv(63 downto 0);
-- Optional: user values
userValues : in Slv32Array(0 to 63) := (others => X"00000000");
-- Optional: DS2411 interface
fdSerSdio : inout sl := 'Z');
end AxiVersion;

architecture rtl of AxiVersion is

constant TIMEOUT_1HZ_C : natural := (getTimeRatio(1.0, CLK_PERIOD_G) -1);
constant COUNTER_ZERO_C : slv(31 downto 0) := X"00000000";

constant BUILD_INFO_C : BuildInfoRetType := toBuildInfo(BUILD_INFO_G);
constant BUILD_STRING_ROM_C : Slv32Array(0 to 63) := BUILD_INFO_C.buildString;

-- Signals that I want to monitor
clrA : out sl;
clrB : out sl;
statusA : in sl;
statusB : in sl;
statusC : in sl);
end MyGpioModule;

architecture rtl of MyGpioModule is
type RegType is record
upTimeCnt : slv(31 downto 0);
timer : natural range 0 to TIMEOUT_1HZ_C;
scratchPad : slv(31 downto 0);
reloadTimer : natural range 0 to AUTO_RELOAD_TIME_G;
userReset : sl;
fpgaReload : sl;
haltReload : sl;
fpgaReloadAddr : slv(31 downto 0);
clrA : sl;
clrB : sl;
axiReadSlave : AxiLiteReadSlaveType;
axiWriteSlave : AxiLiteWriteSlaveType;
end record RegType;

constant REG_INIT_C : RegType := (
upTimeCnt => (others => '0'),
timer => 0,
scratchPad => (others => '0'),
reloadTimer => 0,
userReset => '0',
fpgaReload => '0',
haltReload => '0',
fpgaReloadAddr => AUTO_RELOAD_ADDR_G,
clrA => '0',
clrB => '0',

signal r : RegType := REG_INIT_C;
signal rin : RegType;

signal dnaValue : slv(127 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal fdValue : slv(63 downto 0) := (others => '0');

attribute rom_style : string;
attribute rom_style of BUILD_STRING_ROM_C : constant is "distributed";
attribute rom_extract : string;
attribute rom_extract of BUILD_STRING_ROM_C : constant is "TRUE";
attribute syn_keep : string;
attribute syn_keep of BUILD_STRING_ROM_C : constant is "TRUE";
signal statusASync : sl;
signal statusBSync : sl;
signal statusCSync : sl;


dnaValueOut <= dnaValue;
fdValueOut <= fdValue;

DeviceDna_1 : entity surf.DeviceDna
generic map (
port map (
clk => axiClk,
rst => axiRst,
slowClk => slowClk,
dnaValue => dnaValue);
end generate GEN_DEVICE_DNA;

GEN_DS2411 : if (EN_DS2411_G) generate
DS2411Core_1 : entity surf.DS2411Core
generic map (
port map (
clk => axiClk,
rst => axiRst,
fdSerSdio => fdSerSdio,
fdValue => fdValue);
end generate GEN_DS2411;

GEN_ICAP : if (EN_ICAP_G) generate
Iprog_1 : entity surf.Iprog
generic map (
port map (
clk => axiClk,
rst => axiRst,
slowClk => slowClk,
start => r.fpgaReload,
bootAddress => r.fpgaReloadAddr);
end generate;

comb : process (axiReadMaster, axiRst, axiWriteMaster, dnaValue, fdValue,
fpgaEnReload, r, userValues) is
U_sync : entity surf.SynchronizerVector
generic map (
WIDTH_G => 3)
port map (
clk => axiClk,
-- Data in
dataIn(0) => statusA,
dataIn(1) => statusB,
dataIn(2) => statusC,
-- Data out
dataOut(0) => statusASync,
dataOut(1) => statusBSync,
dataOut(2) => statusCSync;

U_adcOvThreash1 : entity surf.SynchronizerVector
generic map (
WIDTH_G => 4)
port map (
clk => axiClk,
-- Data in
dataIn => adcOvThreash1,
-- Data out
dataOut => adcOvThreash1Sync)

comb : process () is
variable v : RegType;
variable axilEp : AxiLiteEndpointType;
-- Latch the current value
v := r;

-- Reset strobes
v.clrA := '0';
v.clrB := '0';

-- AXI-Lite Transactions

-- Determine the transaction type
axiSlaveWaitTxn(axilEp, axiWriteMaster, axiReadMaster, v.axiWriteSlave, v.axiReadSlave);

axiSlaveRegisterR(axilEp, x"000", 0, BUILD_INFO_C.fwVersion);
axiSlaveRegister(axilEp, x"004", 0, v.scratchPad);
axiSlaveRegisterR(axilEp, x"008", 0, r.upTimeCnt);

axiSlaveRegister(axilEp, x"100", 0, v.haltReload);
axiSlaveRegister(axilEp, x"104", 0, v.fpgaReload);
axiSlaveRegister(axilEp, x"108", 0, v.fpgaReloadAddr);
axiSlaveRegister(axilEp, x"10C", 0, v.userReset);

axiSlaveRegisterR(axilEp, x"300", 0, fdValue);
axiSlaveRegisterR(axilEp, x"400", userValues);
axiSlaveRegisterR(axilEp, x"500", 0, DEVICE_ID_G);

axiSlaveRegisterR(axilEp, x"600", 0, BUILD_INFO_C.gitHash);

axiSlaveRegisterR(axilEp, x"700", 0, dnaValue);
axiSlaveRegisterR(axilEp, x"800", BUILD_STRING_ROM_C);
axiSlaveRegisterR(axilEp, x"00", 0, statusASync);
axiSlaveRegisterR(axilEp, x"00", 1, statusBSync);
axiSlaveRegisterR(axilEp, x"00", 2, statusCSync);

axiSlaveRegister(axilEp, x"04", 0, v.clrA);
axiSlaveRegister(axilEp, x"08", 0, v.clrB);

-- Close the transaction
axiSlaveDefault(axilEp, v.axiWriteSlave, v.axiReadSlave, AXI_RESP_DECERR_C);

-- Uptime counter
if r.timer = TIMEOUT_1HZ_C then
-- Reset the counter
v.timer := 0;

-- Increment the Counter
v.upTimeCnt := r.upTimeCnt + 1;

-- First Stage Boot Loader (FSBL)
-- Check if timer enabled
if (fpgaEnReload = '1') and (r.reloadTimer /= AUTO_RELOAD_TIME_G) then
v.reloadTimer := r.reloadTimer + 1;
end if;

-- Check for reload condition
if AUTO_RELOAD_EN_G and (r.reloadTimer = AUTO_RELOAD_TIME_G) and (fpgaEnReload = '1') and (r.haltReload = '0') then
v.fpgaReload := '1';
end if;

v.timer := r.timer + 1;
end if;

-- Reset
Expand All @@ -233,10 +117,8 @@ begin
-- Outputs
axiReadSlave <= r.axiReadSlave;
axiWriteSlave <= r.axiWriteSlave;
fpgaReload <= r.fpgaReload;
fpgaReloadAddr <= r.fpgaReloadAddr;
userReset <= r.userReset;
upTimeCnt <= r.upTimeCnt;
clrA <= r.clrA;
clrB <= r.clrB;

end process comb;

Expand Down

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