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Skyworkz website

This website is built using:

  • Hugo 0.73
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Font-awesome
  • Ion icons



The easiest way to work on the Skyworkz website is to use GitPod. GitPod offers a browser-based VSCode setup that has a completely pre-configured setup for the website, including a running Hugo development server. You can use GitPod free of charge with your Github account. To use Gitpod, hit the button below:

Open in Gitpod

Note: If you're not allowed to push a branch, it's probably because the permissions granted to gitpod for github are not sufficient. To fix this:

  • Navigate to the integrations page in
  • Press the hamburger button for the github integration
  • Click edit permissions
  • Check the public_repo/repo permissions (or all, since sooner or later you might run into other issues.)
  • Try again..

Optional: using a Docker image for building the code

If for some reason, you can't or don't want to use Gitpod, you can use a local Docker setup. If you encounter problems when using hugo after npm install like hugo complaining about SASS stuff, you can use the bundled Dockerfile as follows:

docker build -t skyworkz .
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/website skyworkz "npm install"
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/website -p 1313:1313 skyworkz "hugo serve"

Now, you can make changed to the website and they will automatically be reflected in the dev server (accessed by navigating to localhost:1313 as mentioned above.

Optional: run your own local setup

First, make sure you get a Node 16.x setup, and install Hugo (extended) in the correct version. Then, run npm install to install all required node modules. Finally, run hugo serve to access the website at http://localhost:1313.


To use the supplied pre-commit hooks, run pre-commit install.


This website makes heavily use of Hugo for the content management. There are some guidelines to follow:

  • Use SASS/SCSS. Don't start modifying the .css files, only the .scss.
  • Install modules using NPM. This keeps our source repository clean.
  • Use Bootstrap as much as possible. Bootstrap is pretty powerful.

Pull-request process

To contribute content or code you need to create pull-request. We make use of CODEOWNERS for automatic assignment of pull-requests to ensure that your PR is reviewed by the most appropriate people in a timely manner.

Questions / Maintainers

If you have any questions or want to discuss something with the maintainers team, feel free to join the #skyworkz-website-maintainers channel.

Currently, the maintainers team consists of:

  • Bas
  • Benny
  • Lee
  • Florian