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Skyro 🦜

Welcome to the home of the Skyro compiler!

Skyro compiles programs written in Idris2 to Cairo and thereby enables high-level, pure functional programming for verifiable computation. Skyro also supports StarkNet contract programming (see below).

We strongly believe that Cairo as a technology could have a big impact on society (trust in math, not companies and not governments) and we think that typed, pure functional programming is currently the best way to write programs in general.

⚠️ Disclaimer: This is experimental software and there may be bugs! Use at your own risk!

High-level, typed functional programming

Idris2 is a state of the art functional programming language. It supports algebraic data types, pattern matching, higher order functions, an extraordinary expressive type system and much more (check their documentation).

Here is a short example showing the basics:

-- Import the Cairo prelude
import Cairo
import Data.List

-- Define a datatype
record Account where
  constructor MkAccount
  number: Felt 
  balance: Felt

-- Read from private input (using inline Cairo)
  func $name$(key) -> (result):
      tempvar result
          from starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import as_int
          val = program_input[ids.key]
          ids.result = as_int(val, PRIME) % PRIME
      return (result)
readFromInput : Felt -> Felt

-- Creates an account based on an index into the JSON array in `input.json`
createAccount : Felt -> Account
createAccount index = MkAccount number balance
  where number : Felt
        number = readFromInput index
        balance : Felt
        balance = readFromInput (index + 1) 

-- List of available accounts (we assume there are 3 accounts)
privateAccounts : List Account
privateAccounts = map createAccount [0,2,4] 

-- Define a function which gets a list of accounts and returns the sum of their balances
sumOfBalances : List Account -> Felt
sumOfBalances accounts = sum (map balance accounts)

-- Computes the hash of the account data (no need to pass the pedersen_ptr)
hashOfAccountData : List Account -> Felt
hashOfAccountData accounts = foldl pedersenHash 3 (foldMap (\a => [a.number, a.balance]) accounts)

-- The main entry point:
-- Computes and outputs the hash of the account data
-- together with the sum of the balances
main : Cairo ()
main = do
  output $ hashOfAccountData privateAccounts
  output $ sumOfBalances privateAccounts

The above example can be found in example-cairo/Example.idr. Just run the co-located script. It compiles Example.idr to the corresponding Example.cairo and executes it. (The script requires a native platform build of the compiler in this repository.)

> ./
Program output:

The generated Cairo program can then be found in example-cairo/build/exec/Example.cairo and can be executed in the Cairo playground like any other Cairo program.


Compiles most of Idris2 to Cairo

Cairo programms can now be written with full scale dependent types in Idris2! Check whats missing to get a list of things that are currently not supported. IO programs (like reading a file) can not be compiled (and never will) because there is no way to execute IO actions in Cairo.

Register allocator

Are you confused by let and local and revoked references? Skyro automatically chooses the most efficient type of variable so you don't need to.

Implicit injection:

Implicits are tracked and injected automatically, no need for manual handling of revoked implicits.

Foreign Function Interface (FFI)

FFI is the mechanism to call functions written in Cairo from Idris2. See test011/Main.idr as an example.


Skyro is an optimizing compiler and aims to produce efficient code


StarkNet contract programming is now supported! Here is an example:

module Main
import Starknet
%language ElabReflection

-- Event with zero additional keys and two values of type Felt.
balanceChanged : EventDesc [] [Felt, Felt]

-- Storage variable with one key of type Felt storing a value of type Felt.
balance : StorageSpace [Felt] Felt

-- View function
getBalance : View m => (addr: Felt) ->  m Felt
getBalance addr = readStorageVar (balance `at` addr)

-- External function
changeBalance : External m => (difference: Felt) -> m Unit
changeBalance difference = do 
  callerAddr <- getCallerAddress
  bal <- getBalance callerAddr
  let newBal = bal + difference
  writeStorageVar (balance `at` callerAddr) newBal
  emitEvent ((balanceChanged `applyValue` callerAddr) `applyValue` newBal)

main = abi 
  {functions   = ["getBalance", "changeBalance"]} 
  {storageVars = ["balance"]} 
  {events      = ["balanceChanged"]}

The above example can be found in example-starknet/Example.idr. Just run the co-located script. It compiles Example.idr to the corresponding Example.cairo contract and runs example-starknet/ locally. (The script requires a native platform build of the compiler in this repository.)

> ./
============================= test session starts ==============================
collected 1 item .                                                       [100%]


  • Support for Constructor, L1Handler, External and View functions. External functions are allowed to call View functions, but not vice versa. This is ensured by the typesystem.
  • Most syscall operations are available.
  • Support for events with multiple keys and multiple values.
  • Support for storage variables.
  • Expressive datatypes (records and variants) are supported in the interface (parameter and return types of functions, keys and values of events and storage variables).

What's missing / limitations

  • Primitive types and operations:
    • String and Char are not yet supported.
    • Patternmatching on Felt emits a warning and does not work.
    • Felt is a field element and by definition has no defined Ordering.
    • Felt does not have bitwise operations (because Cairo bitwise builtin is not defined over the whole range of Felt).
  • Standard library:
    • Currently we expose the whole Idris2 prelude (except IO), this needs to be refined.
    • Most cairo specific functionality is currently offered in a primitive form although Idris2 would allow the definition of very elegant and typesafe abstractions and APIs. These need to be worked out.
  • StarkNet:
    • Cross contract / library calls are possible using raw syscall functions. A much more convenient and typesafe interface mechanism should be provided. (See: test026/Main.idr)
    • Operations on numeric types other then Felt (e.g. Int32, Integer) use hints in their implementation but are not whitelisted. They won't work on StarkNet.
    • The generated code uses @raw_input, @raw_output, therefore the generated ABI appears unstructured. This needs improvement.
  • Testing:
    • Currently there are mainly small program examples in the tests directory.
    • Much more automated testing is required!
  • Documentation:
    • Skyro needs an onboarding tutorial.
    • More documentation about the implementation is also required.
  • Cairo Version:
    • Compiles to cairo version v0.9.1 and v0.10.0 is not yet supported


If you find a problem we are happy if you would open an issue with a small example. We are also happy to take pull requests!

Known Problems / Behaviours

Unsupported String Message

When using idris_crash "Error Message" Strings are used which the compiler can not handle yet. However, this use of Strings compiles and works, as idris_crash aborts anyway. By choosing a higher Optimisation Level the Skyro compiler can often optimize the unused String away, eliminating the message in the process.

Hint not Whitelisted

When using primitives other than Felts or FFI function with hints the result can not be deployed on Starknet because the hints are not whitelisted. They can still be tested locally by setting the "disable_hint_validation" to true.

Access denied / File not found

When the install process of Skyro fails because of a failed file access, it may be that the windows file endings were used on the git check out. Make sure that the linux file endings are preserved (link).

Long Compilation Runs

Some of the optimisations, especially those used in the optimisation level O3 can run very in niche cases. In that case a lower optimisation level should be used.

Compiled code produces wrong result or crashes

When pattern matching on felt is used only a warning is produced and the resulting code is not semantically correct. On consecutive compilation steps the warning may no longer be shown if the problematic file did not change. This is a bug in the Idris2 compiler and not in Skyro. Further, the compiler is experimental and it is possible that their is a bug. However, more often then not this results in a compilation error either in Skyro or Cairo and rarely in semantically incorrect code.

Questions and Answers

Q: Why did you choose Idris2 and not for example Python?

A: The target platform Cairo has a write once memory (immutable memory) which is a great fit for purely functional languages (which we prefer anyways when it comes to programs which should be correct).

Q: Why did you choose Idris2 and not Haskell?

A: There are mutliple reasons:

  • Idris2 uses by-value evaluation which is simpler to map to Cairo than Haskell's lazy evaluation.
  • Idris2 is designed for pluggable custom backend integration.
  • The Idris2 compiler is much smaller than GHC and thus simpler to understand and it takes less time to build it.
  • Idris2's quantitative type system QTT allows for safe and elegant APIs (see Dict as an example).

Q: Are you willing to work for my crypto startup?

A: We are currently happy with our jobs at the university and we are always looking for research collaboration on interesting topics.

Repository Structure

├── cairolib                   Standard library (prelude)
│   ├── Cairo                  Cairo specific parts
│   ├── Common                 Common parts for Cairo and Starknet
│   └── Starknet               Starknet specific parts
├── example-cairo              Cairo example    
├── example-starknet           Starknet example
├── skyro-runtime              Runtime library 
├── src                        Compiler source directory
│   ├── ABI                    Definition of the application binary interface
│   ├── CairoCode              Definition of the intermediate representation (IR)
│   ├── CodeGen                Code generator (turning IR to Cairo source code)
│   ├── Optimisation           Optimization passes
│   ├── Primitives             Support for primitive types
│   ├── RewriteRules           Simple rewrite rules
│   └── Utils                  General functionality which is used in different places
└── tests                      Tests root directory
    └── idrisToCairo           Tests and examples for the compiler
        ├── examples           Tests compilation on different examples
        └── primitives         Tests for the primitive types in Idris2

Build Instructions

The compiler can be built directly on the target platform as well as within docker. If you just want to use the compiler, we recommend to follow these instructions.

Native platform build

Install the Cairo environment

Follow the instructions here.

Checkout and build the Idris2 compiler

Tested with version 9e92e7ded05741aa7d030f815c0441867b77ad0b

> git clone
> cd Idris2
> git checkout 9e92e7ded05741aa7d030f815c0441867b77ad0b
> make bootstrap SCHEME=chez
> make install && make clean
> make all && make install && make install-api

The chez in SCHEME=chez is the name of the chez binary. On Ubuntu it is chezscheme9.5 and on WSL it could be scheme.

Build Skyro

The following command builds the Skyro compiler, the required libraries and runs the tests:

> make test

Run the compiler

Compile an Idris2 program to to Cairo:

> ./build/exec/idrisToCairo --no-prelude -p cairolib --cg cairo Example.idr -o Example.cairo

Argument description:

  • --no-prelude do not automatically import the Idris2 standard prelude (standard library)
  • -p cairolib make our Cairo library available
  • --cg cairo use the Cairo code generator
  • Example.idr the Idris2 program to compile
  • -o Example.cairo the resulting Cairo program (default location ./build/exec/Exanple.cairo)


  • To compile a StarkNet contract, add --directive starknet.
  • To generate compiler debugging and timing information, add --directive verbose.
  • To change the optimisation level, add --directive $level$. Where $level$ is:
    • quick or O0 (no optimisation)
    • dev or O1 (non expensive optimisation)
    • prod or O2 (default - all except for some overly aggressive & experimental optimisations)
    • aggressive or O3 (all optimisations and some size and iteration limits are disabled)

Compile Cairo to AIR and execute AIR:

> export SKYRORUNTIME="../skyro-runtime" 
> cairo-compile --cairo_path ${SKYRORUNTIME} ./build/exec/Example.cairo --output ./build/exec/Example_compile.json && 
  cairo-run --program=./build/exec/Example_compile.json --print_output --print_info --layout=small

SKYRORUNTIME must point to the skyro-runtime/ directory. This ensures that cairo-compile finds required dependencies on its --cairo_path. PYTHONPATH must be extended because cairo-run potentially runs hints which import python helpers from the skyro-runtime.

Format the cairo code (not required):

> cairo-format ./build/exec/Example.cairo > FormattedExample.cairo

Docker build

The Dockerfile defines two stages:

  • Stage environment builds the image which contains all build dependencies.
  • Stage compiler builds the image with the skyro compiler included on top of the environment stage.

If you only want to use the compiler, we suggest to build the compiler stage and use it. If you want to hack on the compiler, we suggest to build the environment stage and use it to build the compiler.

You may need to increase the available memory in your docker settings.

Using the compiler from within docker


To build the compiler within a docker image, execute the following command:

> docker build --platform linux/amd64 . -t skyro
  • --platform linux/amd64 is required on Apple M1 hardware because chezscheme is not available on arm.


To run the compiler within docker, put your source into the docker-compile folder (e.g. docker-compile/Example.idr) and run the following command:

Add the --directive starknet argument if the target file is a StarkNet contract.

Linux / macOS:

> docker run --rm -it --platform linux/amd64 -v $(pwd)/docker-compile:/app/docker-compile skyro idrisToCairo --no-prelude -p cairolib /app/docker-compile/Example.idr -o /app/docker-compile/Example.cairo


> docker run --rm -it -v %cd%/docker-compile:/app/docker-compile skyro idrisToCairo --no-prelude -p cairolib /app/docker-compile/Example.idr -o /app/docker-compile/Example.cairo

Hack on the compiler source

Build the docker image

The following command create a docker image containing all prerequisits for building the compiler:

> docker build --target environment --platform linux/amd64 . -t skyro
  • --target environment only builds the environment stage
  • --platform linux/amd64 is required on Apple M1 hardware because chezscheme is not available on arm.

Build the compiler

The following commands map the root directory of this projet into docker and starts the build:

Linux / macOS:

> docker run --platform linux/amd64 -v $(pwd):/app/ skyro /app/docker-bin/ 


> docker run -v %cd%:/app/ skyro /app/docker-bin/

Run tests

Linux / macOS:

> docker run --platform linux/amd64 -v $(pwd):/app/ skyro /app/docker-bin/


> docker run -v %cd%:/app/ skyro /app/docker-bin/

Clean build artifacts

Linux / macOS:

> docker run --platform linux/amd64 -v $(pwd):/app/ skyro /app/docker-bin/


> docker run -v %cd%:/app/ skyro /app/docker-bin/


Skyro is developed at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)

FHNW logo

This project is sponsored by StarkWare:

StarkWare logo

and the Switzerland based Hasler Foundation:

Hasler logo

Thank you both for your generous support in this project!

Also many thanks for the kind support from the talented people of the Idris2 community - their compiler is the foundation of this work.


Home of the Skyro compiler







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