Fullstack monorepo application: social network for publishing posts, adding friends. Scrolling feed, based on your choosen interests or friends posts.
pnpm install
bun install
pnpm run dev
bun run dev
This comand in the background will fire:
turbo run dev
In turbo.json
"tasks": {
"dev": {
"cache": false
Starting applications in development mode separately:
- Web:
pnpm run dev:web
- Api:
pnpm run dev:api
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. API: http://localhost:4000
pnpm run prod
This comand in the background will fire:
turbo run nextjs-frontend#start nestjs-backend#start:prod
In turbo.json
"tasks": {
"build": {
"dependsOn": ["^build"],
"outputs": [".next/**", "!.next/cache/**", "dist/*"]
"nextjs-frontend#start": {
"dependsOn": ["build"]
"nestjs-backend#start:prod": {
"dependsOn": ["build"]
in build
task conigured to cache results of building an application.