Projects while studying the Autonomous Vehicles special course by University of Toronto
- kinematic, dynamic modeling of the autonomous vehicle model
- system modeling of the environment: rule-based, real-time
- error dynamics and optimization
- longitudinal, lateral controllers (Pure pursuit, Stanley, MPC algorithm)
- state estimation using Least Squares method and KalmanFilter Algorithm
- sample question for extended KF algorithm
- state estimation and path finding using ErrorState-ExtendedKalmanFilter(ESEKF) Algorithm with SensorFusion (LiDAR, GNSS, IMU) + Visualization
- 3D Camera Perception via geometry and disparity algorithm
- Estimate drivable plane with semantic segmentation and RANSAC algorithm
- Lane estimation with Canny Edge Detection and Hough Tranformation algorithm with threshold filtering & merging
- Computing minimum distance for collision avoidance with object detection and semantic segmentation
- Mapping the gathered sensor data of external environment into proper map type in real-time (e.g. Ocupancy Grid)
- Find the most efficient route with search algorithm
- Total Motion Planning:
- Local Planner
- Collision Checker
- Behaviour Planner
- Path Optimization
- Velocity Planner