author: Matt Long
email: [email protected]
Claims Authorization Policy Language (CAPL) is a security token agnostic, serializable, logic and claims-based language for distributed authorization. CAPL allows an author to create simple or complex expressions that make authorization decisions and distribute those policies to applications. Applications use the policies to make authorization decisions in the context of the application.
CAPL was designed with the following parameters:
- simple for applications to use
- developer friendly
- fast execution
- easy to distribute
- easy to cache
- extensible
- mathematically consistent
Example of a serialized policy
<AuthorizationPolicy PolicyID="" Delegation="false" xmlns="">
<Rule Evaluates="true">
<Operation Type="">manager</Operation>
<Match Type="" ClaimType="" Required="true" />
The policy states that the identity must have a claim type of '' with a value of 'manager'.
Code Example of this policy
EvaluationOperation operation = new EvaluationOperation(EqualOperation.OperationUri, "manager");
Match match = new Match(LiteralMatchExpression.MatchUri, roleClaimType);
Rule rule = new Rule(match, operation);
Uri rbacPolicyId = new Uri("");
return new AuthorizationPolicy(rule, rbacPolicyId);
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