If you dont have a Letterboxd account, you can use my account (Stanisloth) to test the app! Expect to wait about 10 seconds for the data to load if you use my account name, I have a lot of movies in my watchlist :)
This MERN-stack app scrapes the HTML of a users Letterboxd movie watchlist, and news articles, to return a clean list of movies from their watchlist that were added to streaming services that month.
- RESTful API which can scrape Letterboxd / comicbook.com HTML, cross filter two lists of movies, and return a clean array with movie data.
- Active database with MongoDB to store arrays containing new movies added to streaming each month.
- Usage of Open Movie Database API to gather movie poster src images https://www.omdbapi.com/
- Webscrapping done with Cheerio, and Axios
- Responsive UI for mobile devices
- Full-stack app housed on a virtual Ubuntu machine using AWS EC2.
- React
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Express
- NodeJS
- Axios
- Cheerio
Users have said:
After cloning the repo, run:
cd server
npm install
npm run devStart
The REST API is now running at localhost:4001
cd client
npm install
npm run build
npm start
The client is now running at localhost:3000