MDC is a set of scripts that simplifies setting up Moodle development and test environments on Apple macOS using OrbStack container manager. MDC is a fork of moodle-docker.
- No need to understand Docker commands and parameters
- No need for Homebrew or MacPorts installation
- Easy configuration via
files - Useful helper scripts for everyday tasks
- Backup and restore of Moodle test site data
- Noticeably better performance compared to Docker Desktop for Mac
- Container domains with https instead of confusing port forwarding
- Fast native OrbStack app
- Amazing OrbStack debug shell
- All Moodle supported PHP versions available (including commonly used PHP extensions enabled)
- Supported database servers - PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MySQL and MS SQL Server
- Behat/Selenium configurations for Chromium, Chrome and Firefox
- Behat browser inspection via "vnc://selenium.<project_directory_name>.orb.local"
- Behat browser inspection via "chrome://inspect" (Chrome/Chromium only)
- Catch-all SMTP server and email web interface using Mailpit
From maintainer: This tool if for lazy Moodle devs like me who do not like CLI scripting. Some of the used bash scripts are probably a bit naive and silly, please help me fix them if you care.
Table of contents
- Prerequisites
- Features
- Quick start
- Backup and restore
- MDC commands
- Project configuration
- Shared configuration
- Security recommendations
- PHPUnit testing
- Behat testing
- IDE configuration
- Advanced usage examples
- macOS 12.3 or newer is required (Windows and Linux are not supported)
- latest version of OrbStack installed
- basic macOS command line usage skills required
- Open terminal and cd to your projects directory
- Clone mdc repository (or extract downloaded package into mdc directory):
git clone
- Clone moodle repository (or extract downloaded package into moodle directory):
git clone
- Create empty
settings file:
cd moodle
touch mdc.env
- Add
directory to your search path in~/.zshrc
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/mdc/bin
- Open terminal, cd to your moodle directory and execute
cd /path/to/moodle
- You can complete the test site installation at https://webserver.moodle.orb.local/. Alternatively you can complete the test site installation from CLI:
cd /path/to/moodle
site-install --agree-license --adminpass="testpassword"
- You can review all outgoing emails at https://mailpit.moodle.orb.local/.
- When you are finished with testing you can delete the containers:
cd /path/to/moodle
Commands mdc-rebuild
and mdc-down
are deleting all site data (Moodle database and dataroot files). Without
backup and restore scripts it would not be possible to change settings of existing containers.
MDC backup/restore works only for the same database type, it is not possible to back up data on PostgreSQL and later restore them in MySQL.
In default installation the backup files are stored in ~/.mdc/backups/
subdirectory. It is possible
to change the location by setting a different value for MDC_BACKUP_PATH
in mdc.env
Example of backup and restore:
- backup data:
cd /path/to/moodle/
mdc-backup mybackup123
- alter mdc.env file or login and change some Moodle data
- purge all site data
- restore data into empty containers:
cd /path/to/moodle/
mdc-restore mybackup123
MDC commands are helper scripts located in mdc/bin/ directory. You can get help for most of the commands by executing them with --help parameter.
In recent macOS revisions the default shell is Z Shell. To allow trouble free use of MDC it is recommended
to add mdc/bin to your search path in interactive terminals by adding following into your ~/.zshrc
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/mdc/bin
Please note that MDC commands can only be executed from directories with mdc.env
List of often used MDC commands with short descriptions:
- delete existing project containers if they exist, build Docker compose file and launch new containersmdc-stop
- stop project containers, keep existing site datamdc-start
- start existing project containers, using initial configuration and existing site datamdc-restart
- stop and start project containers keeping current configuration and site datamdc-down
- stop and delete project containers, site data and configurationmdc-backup mybackupname
- create backup named 'mybackupname' using current site datamdc-restore mybackupname
- restore back 'mybackupname' into empty project containers (requires mdc-rebuild)site-install --agree-license --adminpass="testpassword"
- install Moodle in empty project containersmdc-php admin/cli/upgrade.php
- execute PHP script using relative path, in this example existing site upgrade is performedphpunit-init
- initialise PHPUnit test environmentphpunit --filter=enrol_manual
- run PHPUnit tests, in this example limiting scope to enrol_manual pluginbehat-init
- initialise Behat testing environmentbehat --tags=@enrol_manual
- run Behat tests, in this example limiting scope to enrol_manual pluginmdc-debug webserver
- start OrbStack Debugging Shell inside a webserver containermdc-bash db
- start normal Bash shell inside a db containernode-init && grunt
- install Node.js in webserver container and run grunt job
Each project directory must contain mdc.env
file which includes Moodle and site configuration settings.
It is also possible to modify default config.php settings by adding mdc-config.php
File mdc-compose.yaml
may contain project specific Docker Compose additions.
You can change the configuration of the docker images by setting various environment variables in mdc.env
This file is usually placed in your Moodle code directory, however it can be placed in any directory because the bin
scripts are looking for it in the current working directory when executed.
After making changes you must call mdc-rebuild
to activate them.
If you want to keep your existing data then use mdc-backup mybackupname
first and after rebuild
restore data using mdc-restore mybackupname
Environment Variable | Mandatory | Allowed values | Default value | Notes |
no | pgsql, mariadb, mysqli, sqlsrv | pgsql | The database server to run against |
no | Docker tag - see docker-hub | pgsql: 16; mysqli: 8.4; mariadb: 11.4 | The database server docker image tag |
no | Collation supported by given database | various | |
no | 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 (and obsolete 8.0, 7.4) | 8.1 | The PHP version to use, see tags at |
no | Path to PHP error log on your file system | not set | You can specify a different PHP error logging file outside of Docker |
no | off, debug, profile, etc. | not set | If present PHP Xdebug extension is enabled after rebuild and XDEBUG_MODE is set to this value |
no | chromium, chrome or firefox | chromium | The browser to run Behat against |
no | Docker Hub tag of selenium-standalone image | 4 | Selenium docker image version to use, see selenium-standalone-* image tags at |
no | 1 or empty | not set | Non-empty value means to use headless browser in Selenium (available in latest Chrome/Chromium only) |
no | 9222, 9229 or similar > 1024 | not set | In "chrome://inspect" add target "" to inspect behat browser, ports must be unique for each project |
no | Path on your file system | not set | Behat faildumps are available at https://webserver.moodle.orb.local/_/faildumps/, use for path outside of container |
no | any value | not set | If set, dependencies for memcached, redis, solr, and openldap are added |
no | any value | not set | If set the BigBlueButton mock image is started and configured |
no | any value | not set | ngork authentication token, if not configure auth token must be supplied as first parameter of ngrok-init |
no | any value | not set | Optional ngork domain |
no | any value | not set | Non-empty value means automatically agree to license in site-install command |
no | any value | not set | Non-empty value is administrator password for site-install command |
no | Path to backup directory on your file system | ~/.mdc/backups/ | Use for alternative backup path outside of containers |
Examples can be found in mdc/templates/mdc.env file.
When using standard MDC config.php copied from mdc/templates/config.php file, then it is possible to alter $CFG and other site settings by adding a `mdc-config.php project file which gets included close to the end of config.php.
Adding a new project mdc-config.php
file requires full MDC rebuild, existing file
can be modified at any time without MDC rebuild.
Examples can be found in mdc/templates/mdc-config.php file.
Instead of environmental variables it is also possible to supply extra compose configuration file.
After making changes you must call mdc-rebuild
to activate them.
If you want to keep your existing data then use mdc-backup mybackupname
first and after rebuild
restore data using mdc-restore mybackupname
For example this mdc-compose.yaml
adds adminer to project:
container_name: "${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}-adminer"
image: adminer:latest
- "db"
If used in project directory named 'moodle' then Adminer would be accessible via https://adminer.moodle.orb.local/.
Configuration options that apply to all projects can be included in ~/.mdc/
in user directory:
- environment defaults for all project~/.mdc/mdc-config.php
- config.php overrides for all projects~/.mdc/mdc-compose.yaml
- additional Docker Compose changes for all projects
The internal format of these shared files is the same as project configuration files.
Adding or modifying these shared file requires full MDC rebuild. The only exception is modification of existing shared mdc-config.php file which can be done at any time.
- MDC cannot be used for production web hosting
- MDC sites are not intended to be accessed from Internet
- Limit Docker ports redirections to 127.0.01 interface
- Always keep macOS firewall enabled and do not allow Docker to listen to incoming connections
- Do not install random additional Moodle plugins without security review
- Do not use Docker tags for obsolete unsupported images unless absolutely necessary (such as PHP 8.0 and 7.4)
- Please report any security problems or improvement ideas!
To initialise the PHPUnit test environment execute behat-init
cd /path/to/moodle/
To run PHPUnit tests execute phpunit
script, for example:
cd /path/to/moodle/
phpunit --filter=auth_manual
You should see something like this:
Moodle 4.1.13 (Build: 20240902), d4f5e92ee156002b95db1ab6f76e25870563e2f6
Php: 8.1.29, pgsql: 16.4 (Debian 16.4-1.pgdg120+1), OS: Linux 6.10.6-orbstack-00249-g92ad2848917c aarch64
PHPUnit 9.5.28 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
..... 5 / 5 (100%)
Time: 00:00.776, Memory: 307.00 MB
OK (5 tests, 17 assertions)
- If you want to run tests with code coverage reports:
cd /path/to/moodle/
# Build component configuration
phpunit-util --buildcomponentconfigs
# Execute tests for component
mdc exec webserver php -d pcov.enabled=1 -d vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration reportbuilder --coverage-text
- See available Command-Line Options for further info
To initialise the Behat test environment execute behat-init
cd /path/to/moodle/
To run Behat tests execute behat
script, for example:
cd /path/to/moodle/
behat --tags=@auth_manual
You should see something like this:
Moodle 4.1.13 (Build: 20240902), d4f5e92ee156002b95db1ab6f76e25870563e2f6
Php: 8.1.29, pgsql: 16.4 (Debian 16.4-1.pgdg120+1), OS: Linux 6.10.6-orbstack-00249-g92ad2848917c aarch64
Run optional tests:
- Accessibility: Yes
Server OS "Linux", Browser: "chrome"
Started at 02-09-2024, 03:28
2 scenarios (2 passed)
15 steps (15 passed)
0m5.21s (52.11Mb)
- The behat faildump directory is exposed at https://webserver.moodle.orb.local/_/faildumps/.
- Use
to switch the browser you want to run the test against. You need to recreate your containers usingmdc-rebuild
, if you make any changes inmdc.env
If you want to observe the execution of scenarios in a web browser then just connect to selenium container using OrbStack container domain name.
You should be able to use any kind of VNC viewer, such as Real VNC Viewer or standard macOS application Screen Sharing.
With the containers running, enter address "selenium.moodle.orb.local" in VNC Viewer or copy vnc://selenium.moodle.orb.local address into Safari which will open Screen Sharing application or execute this in terminal:
open vnc://selenium.moodle.orb.local
You will be prompted for a password, the password is 'secret'.
You should be able to see an empty desktop. When you run any Behat tests with @javascript tag a browser will pop up, and you will see the tests execute.
The only way to inspect headless Chromium/Chrome browser is to use remote debug ports. Please note the port based debugging may be used also for normal Selenium Chrome/Chromium.
To enable remote inspection modify mdc.env
file to include:
Optionally to force headless mode also include following:
- Open Chrome and go to chrome://inspect
- Add if not listed yet
- Start behat run, for example
behat --tags=@javascript
- Click on Remote Target link with your session
First you need to install appropriate node and npm version in webserver container, for example:
cd /path/with/mdc.env/
To run grunt use:
cd /path/with/mdc.env/
Normally you would have Moodle PHP files in the same directory as mdc.env
and you would be executing mdc scripts form the same directory. However, it is also
possible to create mdc.env
and mdc-config.php
files in empty directory.
- Checkout moodle into a directory, or you can reuse existing moodle project.
git clone
- Create or alter config.php file to include code from mdc/templates/config.php, optionally start the containers:
cd moodle
cp ../mdc/templates/config.php ./
cd ..
- Create another directory at the same level for SQL Sever testing:
mkdir moodle_sqlsrv
cd moodle_sqlsrv
- Add
file with following content:
- Create container:
- Inspect new instance at https://webserver.moodle-sqlsrv.orb.local/admin/index.php
This is an example how the MDC can be abused to run other software.
- Checkout code into some directory
git clone
cd devdocs
- Create empty
touch mdc.env
- Add
file containing webserver port override:
- dev.orbstack.http-port=3000
- Create containers and install nvm inside webserver container:
mdc-bash webserver
curl -o- | bash
- Exit webserver bash with CTRL+D
- Execute commands inside webserver container:
mdc-bash webserver
nvm install
npm i -g yarn
yarn build
yarn start --host=
- Open https://webserver.devdocs.orb.local/
- Dispose of the devdocs containers:
cd /path/to/devdocs/
If you need public web access to your local test server, then you can use ngrok to forward local container port to a public domain address.
WARNING: It is not recommended to use MDC with non-ephemeral domains because the default site configuration is not secure, it is your responsibility to harden the site configuration via mdc-config.php overrides or custom main config.php file.
- Sign up for a free or paid ngrok account
- Create and copy authentication token
- Optionally add token to
variable inmdc.evn
file - Install and configure ngrok in webserver container using
, use auth token as first parameter if not included in mdc.env file - Optionally create a new domain for ngrok and add it into
variable inmdc.env
- Launch ngrok using
, if you do not specify requested domain as parameter or env setting then random domain is created - Copy/past the ngrok web interface URL to browser and start testing.
- Stop ngrok with CTRL+C or
when finished with testing.