Simple learning project
Backend: GO Echo
Frontend: NodeJS app ES6, SCSS, Handlebars, Material Design, Webpack
clone this repo.
cd echodemo
go get -u
govendor sync
cd web
npm install
npm run build
(npm run dev for dev environment)
setup mysql and create user and database. user: 'echodemo' with password 'demo123' db: 'echodemo'
mysql -u root -p -e "create user 'echodemo'@'localhost' identified by 'demo123'; grant all privileges on * . * to 'echodemo'@'localhost'; flush privileges; drop database if exists echodemo; create database echodemo;"
Let's use goose for db migration.
go get
check you're able to connect to db using the config file under db
goose status
Now, apply the migration
goose up
Stripe API
update with your Stripe API Keys in resources/controller.go and web/dist/index.html
Start the server
go run main.go
Load broswer, point to http://localhost:9001
GET: Simple "hello world"
GET : List of users
POST: Create new user
GET: Get a particular user
GET: Get payments of a user
POST: Post payment for a user
sqlboiler is part of vendor, but if new models needs to be generated, install it
go get
update the db tables, and run
go generate