This is an Emacs Lisp implementation of the RSA public-key
cryptosystem. Emacs' calc is used for big integer operations.
Keys are generated from /dev/urandom
This package doesn't deal with protocols or key storage (e.g. the hard parts). It's only math functions.
Read more: RSA Signatures in Emacs Lisp
Here's an example using a (very short) 128-bit key.
(setf message "hello, world!")
(setf keypair (rsa-generate-keypair 128))
;; => (:public (:n "74924929503799951536367992905751084593"
;; :e "65537")
;; :private (:n "74924929503799951536367992905751084593"
;; :d "36491277062297490768595348639394259869"))
(setf sig (rsa-sign (plist-get keypair :private) message))
(rsa-verify (plist-get keypair :public) message sig)
;; => t
Larger keys can take many minutes to generate and compute signatures.