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A Visual Studio Code extension with support for the Ruff linter.


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Ruff extension for Visual Studio Code

A Visual Studio Code extension with support for the Ruff linter. Available on the Visual Studio Marketplace.

The extension ships with ruff==0.0.252.

(Interested in using Ruff with another editor? Check out ruff-lsp.)


"Quick Fix" actions for auto-fixable violations (like unused imports)

Demo of Ruff's "Quick Fix" action

"Fix all": automatically fix all auto-fixable violations

Demo of Ruff's "Fix all" action

"Organize Imports": isort-compatible import sorting

Demo of Ruff's "Organize Imports" action


Once installed in Visual Studio Code, ruff will automatically execute when you open or edit a Python file.

If you want to disable Ruff, you can disable this extension per workspace in Visual Studio Code.


Settings Default Description
args [] Custom arguments passed to ruff. E.g "args": ["--config=/path/to/pyproject.toml"].
logLevel error Sets the tracing level for the extension.
path [] Setting to provide custom ruff executables, to try in order. E.g. ["/path/to/ruff"].
interpreter [] Path to a Python interpreter to use to run the linter server.
importStrategy fromEnvironment Strategy for loading the ruff executable. fromEnvironment picks up Ruff from the environment, falling back to the bundled version if needed. useBundled uses the version bundled with the extension.
showNotification off Whether a notification should be shown.
organizeImports true Whether to register Ruff as capable of handling source.organizeImports actions.
fixAll true Whether to register Ruff as capable of handling source.fixAll actions.

Example configurations

You can configure Ruff to autofix violations on-save by enabling the source.fixAll action in settings.json:

    "[python]": {
        "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
            "source.fixAll": true

You can configure Ruff to organize imports on-save by enabling the source.organizeImports action in settings.json:

    "[python]": {
        "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
            "source.organizeImports": true

If you're using the VS Code Python extension, you can configure VS Code to autofix violations on-save using Ruff, then re-format with Black, via the following settings.json:

    "[python]": {
        "editor.formatOnSave": true,
        "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
            "source.fixAll": true
    "python.formatting.provider": "black"

If you'd like to use Ruff as an autofix linter, but continue to sort imports with the isort VS Code extension, you can disable Ruff's import-sorting capabilities via the following settings.json:

    "[python]": {
        "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
            "source.fixAll": true,
            "source.organizeImports": true
    "ruff.organizeImports": false

If you'd like to run Ruff on-save, but avoid enabling other extensions to run on-save, you can use Ruff's scoped source.fixAll and source.organizeImports actions via the following settings.json:

    "[python]": {
        "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
            "source.fixAll.ruff": true,
            "source.organizeImports.ruff": true

If you'd like to run Ruff in lieu of another formatter altogether, be sure to unset the editor.defaultFormatter in settings.json:

    "[python]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": null,
        "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
            "source.fixAll": true


Command Description
Ruff: Fix all auto-fixable problems Fix all auto-fixable problems.
Ruff: Restart Server Force restart the linter server.


This extension requires a version of the VSCode Python extension that supports Python 3.7+. Ruff itself is compatible with Python 3.7 to 3.11.


This extension is based on the Template for VS Code Python tools extensions.

Getting Started

  • Install just, or see the justfile for corresponding commands.
  • Create and activate a virtual environment (e.g., python -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate).
  • Install development dependencies (just install).
  • To automatically format the codebase, run: just fmt.
  • To run lint and type checks, run: just check.
  • To run tests, run: just test.


  • nox --session fmt
  • nox --session check
  • nox --session test


A Visual Studio Code extension with support for the Ruff linter.



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  • Python 50.8%
  • TypeScript 45.5%
  • JavaScript 3.7%