Fuselage is an opinionated base application for Ruby on Rails 2.3.x.
We chose the gems and configurations that we like (and that the community is using), but you can easily fork our project and customize it to suit your needs.
Get your next Rails project off to a flying start with Fuselage.
- Haml, Sass, Compass, 960, jQuery
- dry_scaffold with formtastic, factory-girl, RSpec
- cucumber, rspec, autotest
- Devise, paperclip, will_paginate, inherited_resources
Replace/edit config/database.yml if you want to change it from the default SQLite3 (see the config/ directory for templates).
Install gems, create your database and setup the prepared defaults.
$ rake setup
Start your server
$ script/server
Visit your app @ http://localhost:3000
Configure your dry_scaffold defaults in config/scaffold.yml
If you're a Heroku junkie like us
$ heroku create $ git push heroku master
Tons of useful scaffolding shortcuts here: http://github.com/grimen/dry_scaffold
To generate some semantic form markup for your existing models, just run:
./script/generate form MODEL_NAME
- Github: http://github.com/siyelo/fuselage
- Issues: http://github.com/siyelo/fuselage/issues
- Feedback: http://getsatisfaction.com/siyelo/products/siyelo_fuselage
- Blog: http://blog.siyelo.com
See the TODO
Licensed under the terms of the MIT License, please see MIT-LICENSE file for details.