scripts to replay FV3 model to IFS analyses
- is the main driver script. It sets parameters (via env variables) and then runs main.csh. It can be submitted via 'sh <machine_name>' where <machine_name> can be hera, theia, gaea. Executables for each platform live in exec_<machine_name>. Right now only hera is tested. All scripts and executables live in basedir/scripts/exptname (basedir and exptname set in Data generated from replay cycle lives in basedir/exptname.
main.csh performs the replay cycle. This includes
- running the GSI observer to compute the fit of the predictor segment to obs (requires bufr data and bias correction data directories specified as obs_datapath and biascorrdir in Uses run_gsiobserver.csh which calls
- Run the corrector segment and the predictor segment for the next cycle (using run_fg_control.csh which calls Model forecast data is written out in netcdf files of the form sfg_YYYYYMMDDHH_fhr##_control, where YYYYMMDDHH is the center of the current window (corrector segment), and ## is fhr forecast hour relative to YYYYMMDDHH. These files are written to basedir/exptname/YYYYMMDHHnext, where YYYYMMDDHHnext is YYYYMMDDH + 6hours. runs, which computes analysis increments to force the model using IFS analysis data in ifsanldir.
- clean.csh removes uneeded files, and backs up remaining data to HPSS in directory specified by hsidir.
Notes: Requires GSI from 'fv3_ncio' ProdGSI branch. Requires FV3 from 'nc_time_units_fix' branch. Also requires global_cycle and nc_diag_cat.x (from GSI).