Rich Skills Descriptor standards implementation recommendation documents are produced by the Technical Workgroup of the Open Skills Network to guide members and the public around options for working with skills data using interoperable open standards. Use cases for interoperability are described, and options assembled from various existing and forthcoming web standards are provided.
The index.html document in this repository is written with a tool from the W3C called ReSpec. It is in a simple HTML format. Read more about contributing in the ReSpec Wiki. Recommended line length is 120, but the editor can clean up formatting on pull requests, so don't worry too much about technicalities. Members of the Open Skills Network and others who have agreed to openly license their work through the OSN's contributor license agreements may have pull requests considered for merging.
You can view the latest editors' draft, periodically updated, here.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.