Version 1.2.0 includes:
- ldp-coap-core: basic framework implementation including the proposed LDP-CoAP mapping;
- ldp-coap-test: includes reference client/server implementation used to test the framework according to the test suites cited above;
- ldp-coap-raspberry: usage examples exploiting ldp-coap-core on a Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+ board;
- ldp-coap-android: simple project using ldp-coap-core on Android platform;
Version 1.2.0 is now based on Californium-LDP (v1.1.0), a fork of the Eclipse Californium framework supporting LDP specification. The following modules were defined as local Maven dependencies:
- californium-core-ldp: a modified version of the californium-core library extended to support LDP-CoAP features;
- californium-proxy-ldp: a modified version of the californium-proxy used to translate LDP-HTTP request methods and headers
into the corresponding LDP-CoAP ones and then map back LDP-CoAP responses to LDP-HTTP.
Reference Web page: