Docker Sync On Save
Running Web Applications on Docker volume mounts is really slow especially for web developers. Most Apple and Windows users are aware about this problem. Vagrant partially solves this problem but puts another layer of complexity to your stack. Docker-SOS provides an easy workaround to solve this problem natively.
We've been playing with eZ Systems and realized, that loading the example demo page takes 14 seconds on 2017's MacBook Pro (same on Dell Laptop, Intel i5, SSD, Windows 10). Docker-SOS put it down to under 1 second!
Docker-SOS listens on a mounted folder on your laptop. As soon theres a change on the source folder, the change will by synced to the target volume. Noting fancy here. Just an inotify listener on /source/ that triggers rsync to mirror the changes to /target.
This is a one way sync from source to target. The idea behind that is to to use a docker volume for your data (instead o a mounted volume). The volume is used to bypass the docker overlay bottleneck.
docker build -t docker-sos:latest --force-rm -f Dockerfile .
docker run --rm --name docker-sos -v ~/myLocalSyncFolder/:/source/ -d docker-sos:latest
docker exec -it sos-sync /bin/sh
docker build -t docker-sos:latest --force-rm -f Dockerfile .
docker run --rm --name docker-sos-$PROJECT -v ~/myLocalSyncFolder/:/source/ -d docker-sos:latest
docker exec -it sos-sync /bin/sh
docker run --rm --name docker-sos-myproject -v ~/myLocalSyncFolder/:/source/ -d docker-sos:latest
docker exec -it sos-sync /bin/sh
Start your example project
docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans
Exaple docker-compose.yml:
version: '3'
image: httpd
- "8080:80"
- ~/myLocalSyncFolder/:/source/
- target:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/
image: sebastianzoll/docker-sos
- ~/myLocalSyncFolder/:/source/
- target:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/