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Examples: SONUS Logs

Lorenzo Mangani edited this page Jul 29, 2017 · 4 revisions


The Sonus SBC does not (yet) provide dynamic means for always-on packet monitoring except switch-based port mirroring/spanning. The only available resource to fetch information from is weblog.log which can be to some extend parsed and recycled using paStash

WARNING! This example setup is a workaround and might be unreliable!


  • SONUS SBC w/ weblog enabled
  • HOST w/ NodeJS, npm


The first step is to install paStash on our middleware HOST

# git clone
# cd pastash
# sudo npm install


Configuration involves three stages: input, filter, output

Adjust the following parameters as needed:

  • input > file > path
  • output > hep > host, port

Save the config file locally, ie: /opt/pastash/sonus.json

input {
  file {
    path => "/var/log/sonus/webui.log"
# When testing with a static file:
#    start_index => 0

filter {
  multiline {
    start_line_regex => /^\[\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/
  grok {
    match => '(?m)\[%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}\] %{WORD:pid} %{WORD:seq} \n%{GREEDYDATA:payload}'
  regex {
    regex => /From:.*\@(.*)\:(\d+)/
    fields => [srcIp,srcPort]
  regex {
    regex => /To:.*\@(.*)\:(\d+)/
    fields => [dstIp,dstPort]
  regex {
    regex => /Call-I.*: (.*)/
    fields => [correlation_id]

output {
  if [tags] != "_grokparsefailure" {
        hep {
          host => ''
          port => 9063
          hep_id => 2222
          hep_type => 1

HEP Time

It's time to run our recipe and check for results:

./bin/pastash --config_file=/opt/pastash/sonus.json

If everything is configured correctly and wind is on our side, paStash should start convertnig relevant Sonus logs to HEP-SIP packets over UDP. NGREP to confirm this is true before searching for received data.

Known Issues

  • Fragmented messages are not yet handled
  • IP/PORT extracted from signaling, unreliable source
  • no caching from loglines preceding the SIP methods
  • only tested by a few users, needs feedback & tuning
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