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Merge pull request #21 from sintefmath/dev
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Better compositional solvers and fixes to simple wells + blackoil diffusion
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moyner authored Oct 18, 2023
2 parents 075db60 + a52060b commit a7da60f
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Showing 28 changed files with 499 additions and 187 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "JutulDarcy"
uuid = "82210473-ab04-4dce-b31b-11573c4f8e0a"
authors = ["Olav Møyner <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.2.9"
version = "0.2.10"

AlgebraicMultigrid = "2169fc97-5a83-5252-b627-83903c6c433c"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ DataStructures = "0.18.13"
DelimitedFiles = "1.9.1"
ForwardDiff = "0.10.30"
HYPRE = "1.4.0"
Jutul = "0.2.14"
Jutul = "0.2.15"
Krylov = "0.9.1"
LoopVectorization = "0.12.115"
MAT = "0.10.3"
Expand Down
49 changes: 36 additions & 13 deletions ext/JutulDarcyGLMakieExt/well_plots.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,15 +58,17 @@ function JutulDarcy.plot_well_results(well_data::Dict, arg...; name = "Data", kw
JutulDarcy.plot_well_results([well_data], arg...; names = [name], kwarg...)

function JutulDarcy.plot_well_results(well_data::Vector, time = nothing; start_date = nothing,
names =["Dataset $i" for i in 1:length(well_data)],
linewidth = 3,
cmap = nothing,
dashwidth = 1,
new_window = false,
styles = [:solid, :scatter, :dash, :dashdot, :dot, :dashdotdot],
resolution = (1600, 900),
function JutulDarcy.plot_well_results(well_data::Vector, time = nothing;
start_date = nothing,
names =["Dataset $i" for i in 1:length(well_data)],
linewidth = 3,
cmap = nothing,
dashwidth = 1,
new_window = false,
styles = [:solid, :scatter, :dash, :dashdot, :dot, :dashdotdot],
resolution = (1600, 900),
# Figure part
names = Vector{String}(names)
ndata = length(well_data)
Expand All @@ -77,6 +79,9 @@ function JutulDarcy.plot_well_results(well_data::Vector, time = nothing; start_d
if nw == 0
return nothing
# Type of plot (bhp, rate...)
responses = collect(keys(wd[first(wells)]))
respstr = [String(x) for x in responses]

is_inj = is_injectors(wd)
@assert ndata <= length(styles) "Can't plot more datasets than styles provided"
Expand All @@ -90,7 +95,27 @@ function JutulDarcy.plot_well_results(well_data::Vector, time = nothing; start_d
t_l = "Date"
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = t_l)
function response_label_to_unit(s)
s = "$s"
rate_labels = [
"Surface total rate", "rate",
"Surface water rate", "wrat",
"Surface liquid rate (water + oil)", "lrat",
"Surface oil rate", "orat",
"Surface gas rate", "grat",
"Reservoir voidage rate", "resv",
"Historical reservoir voidage rate", "resv"
if s in rate_labels
return "m^3/s"
elseif s in ["bhp", "Bottom hole pressure"]
return "Pa"
return ""
y_l = Observable(response_label_to_unit(first(responses)))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = t_l, ylabel = y_l)

if isnothing(cmap)
if nw > 20
Expand All @@ -104,16 +129,14 @@ function JutulDarcy.plot_well_results(well_data::Vector, time = nothing; start_d
wellstr = [String(x) for x in wells]

# Type of plot (bhp, rate...)
responses = collect(keys(wd[first(wells)]))
respstr = [String(x) for x in responses]
response_ix = Observable(1)
is_accum = Observable(false)
is_abs = Observable(false)
type_menu = Menu(fig, options = respstr, prompt = respstr[1])

on(type_menu.selection) do s
val = findfirst(isequal(s), respstr)
y_l[] = response_label_to_unit(s)
response_ix[] = val
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18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions ext/JutulDarcyHYPREExt/JutulDarcyHYPREExt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ module JutulDarcyHYPREExt
using PrecompileTools

@compile_workload begin
targets = [(true, :csc), (true, :csr)]
# MPI, trivial partition
dims = (4, 1, 1),
precond = :cpr,
amg_type = :hypre
# @compile_workload begin
# targets = [(true, :csc), (true, :csr)]
# # MPI, trivial partition
# JutulDarcy.precompile_darcy_multimodels(targets,
# dims = (4, 1, 1),
# precond = :cpr,
# amg_type = :hypre
# )
# end
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -131,28 +131,28 @@ module JutulDarcyPartitionedArraysExt
return (cpr, preconditioners)

@compile_workload begin
targets = [(true, :csc), (true, :csr)]
# MPI, trivial partition
dims = (4, 1, 1),
default_linsolve = false,
setuparg = (
mode = :mpi,
precond = :ilu0
split_wells = true
# Native PArray, non-trivial partition
dims = (4, 1, 1),
default_linsolve = false,
setuparg = (
mode = :parray,
parray_arg = (np = 2, ),
precond = :ilu0
split_wells = true
# @compile_workload begin
# targets = [(true, :csc), (true, :csr)]
# # MPI, trivial partition
# JutulDarcy.precompile_darcy_multimodels(targets,
# dims = (4, 1, 1),
# default_linsolve = false,
# setuparg = (
# mode = :mpi,
# precond = :ilu0
# ),
# split_wells = true
# )
# # Native PArray, non-trivial partition
# JutulDarcy.precompile_darcy_multimodels(targets,
# dims = (4, 1, 1),
# default_linsolve = false,
# setuparg = (
# mode = :parray,
# parray_arg = (np = 2, ),
# precond = :ilu0
# ),
# split_wells = true
# )
# end
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/InputParser/deckinput/keywords/schedule.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ end
function convert_date_kw(t)
@assert length(t) == 4
function get_month(s)
s = uppercase(s)
if s == "JAN"
return 1
elseif s == "FEB"
Expand All @@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ function convert_date_kw(t)
elseif s == "NOV"
return 11
@assert s == "DEC"
@assert s == "DEC" "Did not understand month format $s"
return 12
Expand Down
54 changes: 50 additions & 4 deletions src/blackoil/flux.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,8 +30,7 @@
if has_vapoil(sys)
# Rv (vaporized oil) upwinded by vapor potential
Rv = state.Rv
f_rv = cell -> @inbounds Rv[cell]
rv = upwind(upw, f_rv, ∇ψ_v)
rv = upwind(upw, Rv, ∇ψ_v)
# Final flux = oil phase flux + oil-in-gas flux
q_l = rhoLS*(λb_l*∇ψ_l + rv*λb_v*∇ψ_v)
Expand All @@ -41,18 +40,65 @@
if has_disgas(sys)
# Rs (solute gas) upwinded by liquid potential
Rs = state.Rs
f_rs = cell -> @inbounds Rs[cell]
rs = upwind(upw, f_rs, ∇ψ_l)
rs = upwind(upw, Rs, ∇ψ_l)
# Final flux = gas phase flux + gas-in-oil flux
q_v = rhoVS*(λb_v*∇ψ_v + rs*λb_l*∇ψ_l)
q_v = rhoVS*λb_v*∇ψ_v

if haskey(state, :Diffusivities)
S = state.Saturations
density = state.PhaseMassDensities
D = state.Diffusivities
if has_disgas(sys)
qo_diffusive_l, qo_diffusive_v = blackoil_diffusion(Rs, S, density, rhoLS, rhoVS, face, D, l, kgrad, upw)
q_l += qo_diffusive_l
q_v += qo_diffusive_v

if has_vapoil(sys)
qg_diffusive_v, qg_diffusive_l = blackoil_diffusion(Rv, S, density, rhoVS, rhoLS, face, D, v, kgrad, upw)
q_l += qg_diffusive_l
q_v += qg_diffusive_v
q = setindex(q, q_l, l)
q = setindex(q, q_v, v)
return q

function blackoil_diffusion(R, S, density, rhoS_self, rhoS_dissolved, face, D, α, kgrad, upw)
@inbounds D_α = D[α, face]
X_self = cell -> black_oil_phase_mass_fraction(rhoS_self, rhoS_dissolved, R, cell)
# Two components: 1 - X_l - (1 - X_r) = - X_l + X_r = -(X_l - X_r) = ΔX
ΔX_self = -gradient(X_self, kgrad)
ΔX_other = -ΔX_self

T = typeof(ΔX_self)
mass_l = cell -> density[α, cell]*S[α, cell]
# TODO: Upwind or average here? Maybe doesn't matter, should be in
# parabolic limit for diffusion
# q_l += D_l*upwind(upw, mass_l, ΔX_o)*ΔX_o
# q_v += D_l*upwind(upw, mass_l, ΔX_g)*ΔX_g

diffused_mass = D_α*face_average(mass_l, kgrad)
diff_self = convert(T, diffused_mass*ΔX_self)
diff_dissolved = convert(T, diffused_mass*ΔX_other)
return (diff_self::T, diff_dissolved::T)::Tuple{T, T}

@inline function black_oil_phase_mass_fraction(rhoLS, rhoVS, Rs, cell)
# TODO: Should have molar weights here maybe, but not part of standard input
@inbounds rs = Rs[cell]
if rs < 1e-10
v = one(rs)
v = rhoLS/(rhoLS + rs*rhoVS)
return v

function apply_flow_bc!(acc, q, bc, model::StandardBlackOilModel, state, time)
mu = state.PhaseViscosities
b = state.ShrinkageFactors
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/blackoil/variables/varswitch.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -222,15 +222,16 @@ end
sw = ImmiscibleSaturation[i]
X = BlackOilUnknown[i]
phases = X.phases_present
if phases == OilOnly
sg = zero(T)
so = one(T) - sw
so = rem
elseif phases == GasOnly
sg = one(T) - sw
sg = rem
so = zero(T)
sg = X.val
so = one(T) - sw - sg
so = rem - sg
s[a, i] = sw
s[l, i] = so
Expand Down
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/ext.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,21 @@ function plot_reservoir_simulation_result(model::MultiModel, res::ReservoirSimRe
return fig

export plot_reservoir
function plot_reservoir(model, arg...; kwarg...)
rmodel = reservoir_model(model)
fig = plot_interactive(rmodel, arg...; kwarg...)
g = physical_representation(rmodel.data_domain)
ax = fig.current_axis[]
for (k, m) in pairs(model.models)
w = physical_representation(m.data_domain)
if w isa WellDomain
plot_well!(ax, g, w)
return fig

export simulate_reservoir_parray
function simulate_reservoir_parray(case, mode = :mpi; kwarg...)
sim, cfg = setup_reservoir_simulator(case; mode = mode, kwarg...)
Expand Down
14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions src/facility/controls.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,11 @@ function Jutul.initialize_extra_state_fields!(state, domain::WellGroup, model)
state[:WellGroupConfiguration] = WellGroupConfiguration(domain.well_symbols)

function Jutul.update_before_step_multimodel!(storage_g, model_g::MultiModel, model::WellGroupModel, dt, forces, key)
function Jutul.update_before_step_multimodel!(storage_g, model_g::MultiModel, model::WellGroupModel, dt, forces, key;
time = NaN,
recorder = ProgressRecorder(),
update_explicit = true
# Set control to whatever is on the forces
storage = storage_g[key]
cfg = storage.state.WellGroupConfiguration
Expand All @@ -14,6 +18,7 @@ function Jutul.update_before_step_multimodel!(storage_g, model_g::MultiModel, mo
for key in keys(forces.limits)
cfg.limits[key] = forces.limits[key]
current_step = recorder.recorder.step
# Set operational controls
for key in keys(forces.control)
# If the requested control in forces differ from the one we are presently using, we need to switch.
Expand All @@ -22,7 +27,9 @@ function Jutul.update_before_step_multimodel!(storage_g, model_g::MultiModel, mo
rstate = storage_g.Reservoir.state
newctrl, changed = realize_control_for_reservoir(rstate, forces.control[key], rmodel, dt)
oldctrl = req_ctrls[key]
if newctrl != oldctrl
is_new_step = cfg.step_index != current_step
well_was_disabled = op_ctrls[key] == DisabledControl()
if is_new_step && (newctrl != oldctrl || well_was_disabled)
# We have a new control. Any previous control change is invalid.
# Set both operating and requested control to the new one.
@debug "Well $key switching from $oldctrl to $newctrl"
Expand All @@ -35,12 +42,13 @@ function Jutul.update_before_step_multimodel!(storage_g, model_g::MultiModel, mo
cfg.limits[key] = merge(cfg.limits[key], as_limit(
cfg.step_index = current_step
for wname in model.domain.well_symbols
wmodel = model_g[wname]
wstate = storage_g[wname].state
rmodel = model_g[:Reservoir]
rstate = storage_g.Reservoir.state
update_before_step_well!(wstate, wmodel, rstate, rmodel, op_ctrls[wname])
update_before_step_well!(wstate, wmodel, rstate, rmodel, op_ctrls[wname], update_explicit = update_explicit)

Expand Down
19 changes: 12 additions & 7 deletions src/facility/cross_terms.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,16 +27,21 @@ function update_cross_term_in_entity!(out, i,
well_cell = ct.well_cells[i]
WI = state_s.WellIndices[i]
gdz = state_s.PerforationGravityDifference[i]
p_well = state_s.Pressure
p_res = state_t.Pressure
dp = p_well[well_cell] - p_res[reservoir_cell]
rhoS = reference_densities(sys)

p_well = state_s.Pressure
p_res = state_t.Pressure
# Wrap the key connection data in tuple for easy extension later
conn = (dp = p_well[well_cell] - p_res[reservoir_cell],
WI = WI, gdz = gdz,
well = well_cell,
reservoir = reservoir_cell)
conn = (
dp = dp,
WI = WI,
gdz = gdz,
well = well_cell,
perforation = i,
reservoir = reservoir_cell
# Call smaller interface that is easy to specialize
if haskey(state_s, :MassFractions)
@inbounds simple_well_perforation_flux!(out, sys, state_t, state_s, rhoS, conn)
Expand All @@ -49,7 +54,7 @@ function perforation_phase_potential_difference(conn, state_res, state_well, ix)
dp = conn.dp
WI = conn.WI
if haskey(state_well, :ConnectionPressureDrop)
dp += state_well.ConnectionPressureDrop[conn.well]
dp += state_well.ConnectionPressureDrop[conn.perforation]
elseif conn.gdz != 0
ρ_r = state_res.PhaseMassDensities[ix, conn.reservoir]
if haskey(state_well, :PhaseMassDensities)
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2 comments on commit a7da60f

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@moyner moyner commented on a7da60f Oct 18, 2023

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