КР1803ВЖ1 (TMS5100) based speech synthesizer board for Agat computer.
Schematics was designed in KiCad EDA with a custom parts lib. Software was created using cc65 compiler. And it works on Agat only in Apple II compatibility mode.
- Schematics in KiCad format: schematics/AgatSpeechBoard, PNG: Control, Analog
- ATF16v8 PLD firmware: PLD Firmware
- Speak program sources for Agat-9 Apple II mode: src/speak
- Various datasheets for КР1803ВЖ1 and TMS5100 chips: docs
- "Talking Dice" circuit based on TMS5100 chip: docs/Talking Dice
Chaos Constructions 2019 public report
- Presentation (in Russian): Синтезатор речи для ПЭВМ Агат.pdf
- Full software demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI7s3mxBhng
- Russian phrases: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sAlXTVFXQc
- Speak and Spell emulator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4hqrfArUSM