SingularityNET SDK for Python
The package is published in PyPI at the following link:
Package | Description |
snet-sdk | Integrate SingularityNET services seamlessly into Python applications |
The SingularityNET SDK allows you to make calls to SingularityNET services programmatically from your application. To communicate between clients and services, SingularityNET uses gRPC. To handle payment of services, SingularityNET uses Ethereum state channels. The SingularityNET SDK abstracts and manages state channels with service providers on behalf of the user and handles authentication with the SingularityNET services.
These instructions are for the development and use of the SingularityNET SDK for Python.
To call a service on a SingularityNET platform, the user must be able to deposit funds (AGIX tokens) to the Multi-Party Escrow Smart Contract. To deposit these tokens or do any other transaction on the Ethereum blockchain.
Once you have installed snet-sdk in your current environment, you can import it into your Python script and create an instance of the base sdk class:
from snet import sdk
config = sdk.config.Config(private_key="YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY",
snet_sdk = sdk.SnetSDK(config)
The config
parameter is an instance of the Config
for a reference.
: Your wallet's private key that will be used to pay for calls. Is required in config;eth_rpc_endpoint
: RPC endpoint that is used to access the Ethereum network. Is required in config;wallet_index
: The index of the wallet that will be used to pay for calls;ipfs_endpoint
: IPFS endpoint that is used to access IPFS;concurrency
: If set to True, will enable concurrency for the SDK;force_update
: If set to False, will reuse the existing gRPC stubs (if any) instead of downloading proto and regenerating them every time.mpe_contract_address
: The address of the Multi-Party Escrow smart contract;token_contract_address
: The address of the SingularityNET token smart contract;registry_contract_address
: The address of the Registry smart contract;signer_private_key
: The private key of the signer. Used to sign the service call. Equals toprivate_key
by default.
You can use the sdk client instance`s methods get_organization_list() to list all organizations and get_services_list("org_id") to list all services of a given organization.
orgs_list = snet_sdk.get_organization_list()
print(*orgs_list, sep="\n")
# ...
# GoogleOrg3
# 26072b8b6a0e448180f8c0e702ab6d2f
# 43416d873fcb454589900189474b2eaa
# ...
org_id = "26072b8b6a0e448180f8c0e702ab6d2f"
services_list = snet_sdk.get_services_list(org_id=org_id)
print(*services_list, sep="\n")
# Exampleservice
Now, the instance of the sdk can be used to create the service client instances, using create_service_client()
Continuing from the previous code here is an example using Exampleservice
from the 26072b8b6a0e448180f8c0e702ab6d2f
service_client = snet_sdk.create_service_client(org_id="26072b8b6a0e448180f8c0e702ab6d2f",
After executing this code, you should have client libraries created for this service. They are located at the following
path: ~/.snet/org_id/service_id/python/
Note: Currently you can only save files to ~/.snet/
The instance of service_client that has been generated can be utilized to invoke the methods that the service offers.
You can list these using the get_services_and_messages_info_as_pretty_string()
# Service: Calculator
# Method: add, Input: Numbers, Output: Result
# Method: sub, Input: Numbers, Output: Result
# Method: mul, Input: Numbers, Output: Result
# Method: div, Input: Numbers, Output: Result
# Message: Numbers
# Field: float a
# Field: float b
# Message: Result
# Field: float value
To invoke the service's methods, you can use the call_rpc()
method. This method requires the names of the method and
data object, along with the data itself, to be passed into it.
To continue with our example, here’s a call to the mul method of the Exampleservice from the
26072b8b6a0e448180f8c0e702ab6d2f organization:
result = service_client.call_rpc("mul", "Numbers", a=20, b=3)
print(f"Calculating 20 * 3: {result}")
# Calculating 20 * 3: 60.0
For more information about gRPC and how to use it with Python, please see:
Note: In this example, the user doesn't deposit funds to MPE, doesn't open a channel, and doesn't perform other actions related to payment. In this case, the choice of payment strategy, as well as, if necessary, opening a channel and depositing funds into MPE occurs automatically. For more information on payment, please visit the Payment section.
If you want to use the free calls you will need to pass these arguments to the create_service_client()
free_call_auth_token_bin = "f2548d27ffd319b9c05918eeac15ebab934e5cfcd68e1ec3db2b92765",
free_call_token_expiry_block = 172800,
email = "[email protected]" # which using in AI marketplace account
You can receive these for a given service from the Dapp
Creating a service client with free calls included would look like this:
service_client = snet_sdk.create_service_client(org_id="26072b8b6a0e448180f8c0e702ab6d2f",
email="[email protected]")
[1] opens a payment channel with the specified amount of AGIX tokens in cogs and expiration time.
Expiration is payment channel's TTL in blocks. When opening a channel, funds are taken from MPE. So they must be
pre-deposited on it. For this, you can use the deposit_to_escrow_account()
service_client.open_channel(amount=123456, expiration=33333)
You can also use the deposit_and_open_channel()
method instead. It does the same as the previous one, but first deposits the specified amount of AGIX tokens in cogs
into an MPE.
service_client.deposit_and_open_channel(amount=123456, expiration=33333)
as well as deposit_and_open_channel()
returns the payment channel. You can use it to add funds to it
and extend its expiration using the following methods:
and extend_and_add_funds()
payment_channel = service_client.open_channel(amount=123456, expiration=33333)
payment_channel.extend_and_add_funds(amount=123456, expiration=33333)
Some of the training methods, namely upload_and_validate
and train_model
, are paid as well as the regular service call.
Accordingly, you need to pay some AGIX to take advantage of the training. For this, as for a regular service call,
you need a payment channel with the required amount of funds on it and expiration (in Python SDK, the selection,
opening or adding funds to the channel is done automatically).
The only difference is that the price of a service call is a static number stored in the service metadata, whereas
the price of calling the methods above is determined each time through the service provider before calling
these methods. There are auxiliary methods validate_model_price
and train_model_price
respectively to determine
the price of calling paid methods.
validate_price =
model_status =, zip_path, validate_price)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
train_price =
model_status =, train_price)
Service client also provides several useful functions. If you need to find out the number of
the current block in the blockchain, there is a get_current_block_number()
method for this:
block_number = service_client.get_current_block_number()
print(f"Current block is {block_number}")
# Current block is 6574322
To find out the price of calling a service function, you need to use the get_price()
price = service_client.get_price()
print(f"The price in cogs for calling the service {service_client.service_id} is {price}")
# The price in cogs for calling the service Exampleservice is 1
The metadata of services is stored in IPFS. To view it, you need to call the get_service_metadata()
method, passing
the organization id and the service id to it.
service_metadata = snet_sdk.get_service_metadata(org_id="26072b8b6a0e448180f8c0e702ab6d2f", service_id="Exampleservice")
print(*service_metadata.m.items(), sep="\n", end="\n\n")
print(*service_metadata.get_tags(), sep=",", end="\n\n")
print(*service_metadata.get_all_endpoints_for_group(group_name="default_group"), sep=",", end="\n\n")
# ('version', 1)
# ('display_name', 'Example service')
# ('encoding', 'proto')
# ('service_type', 'grpc')
# ('model_ipfs_hash', 'QmeyrQkEyba8dd4rc3jrLd5pEwsxHutfH2RvsSaeSMqTtQ')
# ('mpe_address', '0x7E0aF8988DF45B824b2E0e0A87c6196897744970')
# ('groups', [{'free_calls': 0, 'free_call_signer_address': '0x7DF35C98f41F3Af0df1dc4c7F7D4C19a71Dd059F', 'daemon_addresses': ['0x0709e9b78756b740ab0c64427f43f8305fd6d1a7'], 'pricing': [{'default': True, 'price_model': 'fixed_price', 'price_in_cogs': 1}], 'endpoints': [''], 'group_id': '/mb90Qs8VktxGQmU0uRu0bSlGgqeDlYrKrs+WbsOvOQ=', 'group_name': 'default_group'}])
# ('service_description', {'url': '', 'short_description': 'Example service', 'description': 'Example service'})
# ('media', [{'order': 1, 'url': '', 'file_type': 'image', 'asset_type': 'hero_image', 'alt_text': ''}])
# ('contributors', [{'name': 'test', 'email_id': ''}])
# ('tags', ['exampleservice'])
# exampleservice
In the section Calling the service we already talked about the function
, with which you can get information about the methods and
messages of a service. But if you need to process lists of services and messages, it is better to use the
services, messages = service_client.get_services_and_messages_info()
# {'Calculator': [('add', 'Numbers', 'Result'), ('sub', 'Numbers', 'Result'), ('mul', 'Numbers', 'Result'), ('div', 'Numbers', 'Result')]}
# {'Numbers': [('float', 'a'), ('float', 'b')], 'Result': [('float', 'value')]}
With the SDK, you can also train models and use them when calling the service.
The sequence of basic actions is as follows:
- Create models
- Upload training dataset
- Train the model
- Call the service based on the new model
To create a new model you need to call the create_model
method. It takes the following parameters:
- name of the service method for which we want to create a new model (use get_training_metadata method to get the list of available methods)model_name
- name of the new model (you need to come up with this)model_description
- description of the new model (optional)is_public_accessible
- whether the model is publicly accessible (optional, default:False
- list of addresses with access to the model (optional) (makes sense only ifis_public_accessible
is False)
and returns a Model
object with all the model information.
new_model =,
model_id = new_model.model_id
print(new_model.status) # ModelStatus.CREATED
To upload the training dataset you need to call the upload_and_validate
method. It takes the following parameters:
- id of the modelzip_path
- path to archive file with the training datasetvalidate_price
- price of validating the dataset
and returns a ModelStatus
validate_price =
model_status =, zip_path, validate_price)
print(model_status) # ModelStatus.VALIDATING
Note: Dataset validation usually takes some time, so you should wait for the
status of the model (using theget_model
methods) after sending the dataset for validation before proceeding further with the model.
To train the model on an uploaded dataset you need to call the train_model
method. It takes the following parameters:
- id of the modeltrain_price
- price of training the model
and returns a ModelStatus
train_price =
model_status =, train_price)
print(model_status) # ModelStatus.TRAINING
Note: Model training usually takes some time, so you should wait for the
status of the model (using theget_model
methods) after calling thetrain_model
method before proceeding further with the model.
Finally, to call the service, you must call the call_rpc
method of the ServiceClient
instance with an
additional parameter model_id
in a similar way:
result = service_client.call_rpc(grpc_method_name, grpc_message_name, model_id=model_id, **parameters)
For more detailed description please refer to Developer Portal guides:
- Clone the git repository
$ git clone [email protected]:singnet/snet-sdk-python.git
$ cd snet-sdk-python
- Install the required dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install the package in development/editable mode
$ pip install -e .
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.