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Releases: singalhimanshu/taskgo


11 Apr 06:42
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d3117c2 ci: fix gorelease workdir
3908f90 ci: fix vet and build
dc1bd54 refactor: restructure project layout
49b5538 ci: run benchmarks
d0a539d ci: add -race and -v flag to go test
8fdb71f refactor: remove empty title name modal
5bd8ea9 feat: make input field width dynamic
2db6edf feat: show task count of each list
45bf259 ci: exclude bench commits in release changelog
6fd1a5b bench: add benchmark for AddTaskCommand
65918b0 fix: fix application crash when deleting last item
6d72756 docs: add -f flag info in usage section
d1fa387 docs: add information regarding release in install section
6b62b2e ci: exclude bump commits in release changelog
fdaa057 bump: update version of all external dependencies
9913637 ci: exclude ci commits in release changelog


01 Apr 14:19
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2e1ff33 ci: add github action for release
261fe25 ci: add gpg signing for gorelease
a303bc7 ci: fix goreleaser and its github aciton
c3b4756 feat: add escape and 'q' keybind to close a page
c0ee5c8 fix: fix crash on edit task when no task is present
62526ab fix: fix list index after removing a task
c74ebf3 fix: remove 'q' to close add and edit page
1fa2d0e refactor: remove unused function globalInputCapture
6a285ba refactor: replace panic with log.Fatal
949503f refactor: return ListItem in GetTask function


26 Mar 15:34
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18a6284 Add ability to move task items left/right the list
ce50d4a Add
88df36d Add UI to add/create a new task
e027a6e Add ability to move task items up/down the list
4c7f0da Add arrow key support and redraw function
f45f629 Add basic navigation functionality to the board
2e136a5 Add bounds checking for all indexes
467343b Add custom file support
0ff4f7e Add demo of taskgo and more info in
0285317 Add documentation for files function
3bda2b9 Add documentation for parser code
e233b1a Add function to add a new task
e9ce8ff Add function to get task list by passing list name
7498231 Add function to write data to a file
ffbbb27 Add functionality to delete a task
d5300c5 Add functionality to edit a task
378434c Add functionality to mark a task as done
524c874 Add functionality to view information about a task
bfaa23a Add functions for checking valid file syntax
58e286c Add help page to show all the shortucts
cb33266 Add install instructions
34347ce Add more documentation
2b18b53 Add more documentation
e728145 Add new task when save button is pressed
de2c42c Add parser for to get Board Name and List names.
81cbdf3 Add some documentation
97045aa Add ui part for Main Page (Board Page) of the app
f5c45f6 Bug Fix: Handle panic on empty lists
7ca68af Bug Fix: Trim space before compairing the prefix
e53ad9f Bugfix: Fix active list when switched from any other page to board page
4666d89 Check for empty title name before adding a new task
b0d7be8 Check for empty title name in edit page
5b18313 Create
e61ee28 Create LICENSE
a84b23c Handle ui error returned by ui.go in main.go
d3088b6 Improved error message and check item description before saving
a5d9375 Initial Commit
4891c66 Mark last element as selected when moving task from one list to another
41e81e8 Merge pull request #11 from singalhimanshu/normal-bindings
24417f1 Merge pull request #8 from ilmanzo/help_flag
6966e49 Parse and add task description
85c4ec2 Refactor: Clean parser code for less file reads
67da641 Refactor: Create OpenFile function to reduce code duplication
8b630ac Refactor: Make sure all error values are checked
d59c2b5 Refactor: Make use of ListCount more consistent
e32bd4d Remove CheckSyntax function as it is done while parsing
436033f Remove adding page from ui.go
a38553c Rename LICENSE to
17c94fb Visual Improvements and Bug fixes: - Better highlight for selected list - Set correct active task index after moving a task - Close app before showing error message
7b3180f add help and command line handling via the 'flag' package
9366643 chore: fix go-runewidth version to 0.9
52485e5 ci: add flags to golang-ci lint for better output
827d990 ci: add github action for testing
6f22800 ci: add github actions for build, vet and lint (#19)
7e8125b ci: build and vet on all pull requests
4bbf7e3 ci: remove go version 1.14 and add version 1.16
2f0794e ci: rename master branch to main
3ee8a5b feat: add arrow key bindings for navigation
33efcdd feat: add task at current position/bottom of list
8d872f1 feat: add undo/redo feature (#21)
09b438a feat: center all pages other than board page
309cd9d feat: change C to e to edit a task
665342d feat: change space to enter to view task info
b5140c0 feat: vim like g and G navigation
b97e33f fix: GetTasks throws an error if list index is out of bounds
a38b5c8 fix: report parse errors with correct file name
410c827 fix: task deletion issue on empty list
a4ad9f1 fix: task movement issues
d477eac fix:'G' motion out of bounds error
5139902 refactor: remove redundant prefix check
1d14eda refactor: split AddPage function
8a7ae6c release: add .goreleaser.yml
7e446ea ui: show modal of half the size of terminal