- Course: ART 258 | Kapiolani Community College, New Media Arts
- Class: KOA 103 T/TH: 4:30pm–7pm
- Office Hours by Appointment: T: 7pm-8pm. Ask for additional accommodations.
- Instructor: Charles (Ka‘a) Kihe, [[email protected]](mailto: [email protected])
- KCC NMA ART258 Projects: This holds all the information for the projects you'll be turning in on this site.
- KCC NMA ART258 Starter: You'll use this project as the starting point for the rest of your projects.
- Fork the starter repo project on github.com (not your desktop GitHub client).
- Rename the project "kcc-nma-art258-project-X" where X is the number of the project.
- After forking the project, make sure you're in the "plain" branch until we're used to using Gulp.
- Open up the GitHub Desktop Client and clone your repository.
- IMPORTANT!!! Create a new branch from the project called "gh-pages". (more on Creating Branches in GitHub Desktop)
- Go ahead and start working.
Table of Contents
- Course Info
- Course Objectives
- Course Content
- Texts
- Materials
- Instructor’s Expectations & Student Responsibilities
- Instructor’s Absence
- Attendance
- Grading Policy
- Important Campus Dates
- Grading System
- Special Student Services (SSSO)
- Student Conduct Code
- This Class is a “Safe Zone”
- License
- ART 258 Interface Programming II (3 credits)
- 6 hours lecture/lab per week
Prerequisite: ART 128 with a grade of “C” or higher; approval of the Interface Programming II portfolio review or acceptance into a NMA-AS specialization.
ART 258 Interface Programming II builds upon the foundation level HTML, CSS, and Javascript concepts introduced in ART 128 Interface Programming I.
Through lessons, demonstrations, and hands-on-exercise, this course aims to develop intermediate skills in contemporary interface programming practices. Weekly topics will address emerging and popular interface programming techniques and technologies.
- Nov 1, Nov 3 - Remote Instruction/Studio Time
- Dec 9 - 15 - Finals Period
- Fri, Dec 16 - Last day of Semester
See more dates at the Kapi‘olani Community College Academic Calendar.
Build on the previous concepts learned in ART 128 to enhance knowledge and application of HTML, JS, and CSS. We will explore topics such as Sass, modular architecture, and media queries for responsive design.
There are no required texts for this course. Readings will be supplied by the instructor and/or student(s) on a week to week basis online.
All required materials will consist of the following software:
- GitHub - an online service that will allow us to store our code and projects online.
- GitHub for Mac or Windows - software that helps us to easily interact with your code and GitHub.
- Codepen - edit code snippets online for demo purposes.
- Atom - the text editor we'll be using for this class.
- Node.js - software that runs JavaScript programs on your computer. This will be used to run our code.
Lectures, demonstrations and general class participation are an important aspect of this course. For all instructional activities, students are responsible for meeting all of the instructor’s attendance and assignment requirements. Failure to do so may affect their final grade. For unexcused absences, students need to make arrangements with other class members regarding information. Since this is a college course, time outside of class will need to be consistently spent on projects to meet the requirements of the class.
In all college-related activities, including instruction, students must abide by the college’s codes and regulations, refraining from behavior that interferes with the rights and safety of others in the learning environment. If students file a grievance, they are fully responsible for providing proof they have been wronged.
Please have your cell phone on silent during class and provide your own headphones if you will be listening to music so you do not distract others.
In the event of the instructor’s absence, college policy requires students to wait 15 minutes before leaving.
Each student is responsible for the material presented in class, therefore regular attendance is expected. In order to keep up with all lessons and the general pace of the class it is essential that you arriving promptly and remain for the scheduled class period. Leaving class early without permission will result in an absence marked for that class period. Three tardies will equal one unexcused absence. Consistent lateness and absences may result in a lower grade for the semester due to any missed opportunities for graded class participation sessions during class critiques. If you are absent for medical reasons, please provide a note from your doctor or nurse. If there is a severe family problem, a long-term personal illness, or something else that may interfere with the course, please discuss this with me as early as possible. So long as I know about any potential problems in advance, there is usually a solution. Please do not wait until it is too late so as to avoid any repercussions to your grade.
Grading is based on assignments, projects, and class participation during critiques. It is the responsibility of the student to collect handouts, take notes, complete and turn in assignments on due dates. Make-up assignments will be administered only in cases where there is a valid medical reason accompanied by a doctor’s note. The assigned projects must be turned in on the due date. Missing a deadline will result in a full letter grade reduction for that project unless there is a valid medical reason or a family emergency. Projects may be revised and turned in again for re-grading. Class participation will be considered in the evaluation of the final grade. Disruptive or argumentative behavior will result in a lower grade during final grade evaluation or dismissal from class.
Note: Any student missing the final semester critique or not turning in a final project without prior permission will have a full letter grade taken off the final semester grade.
Please visit the KCC Academic Calendar for more information.
Your final grade will be based on four projects:
- Project 1 (150 pts) - This project will review concepts and allow you to flex your coding muscles and solve various design challenges.
- Project 2 (250 pts) - Use what you've learned in architecting your project with modularization, advanced CSS skills, and more.
- Project 3 (150 pts) - This project will review concepts and allow you to flex your coding muscles and solve various design challenges.
- Project 4 (250 pts) - Put your skills to the test by implementing a project that you've fully designed.
In addition, Class Participation in critiques, warm-up excercises, and inspiration will account for an additional (200 points).
Your final grade will be determined by the total points accrued from the assignments stated above:
- A (900–1000)
- B (800–890)
- C (700–790)
- D (600–690)
- F (0–590)
If you are a student with a documented disability and have not voluntarily disclosed the nature of your disability and the support you need, you are invited to contact the Disability Support Services Office, `Iliahi 113, 734-9552 , or email [email protected] for assistance.
Extended time in a minimal distraction environment is an appropriate accommodation based on a student's disability. If you do have a disability and have not voluntarily disclosed the nature of your disability and support that you, you are invited to contact the Disability Support Services Office, (DSSO) 734-9552 (V/TTY), Ilima 103 for assistance.
A college campus is a community with specific behavior expectations designed to allow all students, faculty, and staff to flourish. Please familiarize yourself with KCC’s Student Conduct Code in the course catalog. You should know your rights and responsibilities on campus. The Student Conduct Code describes specific campus policies related to: drug and alcohol use, smoking, lethal weapons, sexual harassment and sexual assault, academic honesty, nondiscrimination, and family privacy.
In all campus environments, Disruptive Behavior will not be tolerated. This means: any speech or action that (1) is disrespectful, offensive, and/or threatening; (2) interferes with the learning activities of other students; (3) impedes the delivery of college services; and/or (4) has a negative impact in any learning environment.
The instructor reserves the right to ask a student to leave the classroom at any point if a student exhibits behavior that is not in accordance with the KCC Student Conduct Code.
Discriminatory or rude comments of any kind, particularly regarding gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion, will not be tolerated.
This work and all other materials under https://github.com/simplesessions/kcc-nma-art258 are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License