Format your CMake scripts from inside emacs, using the python command line tool cmake-format
- Install the
command line program. You can use pip:
$ pip install --user cmake-format
- Put
in yourload-path
Make sure that either cmake-format can be found in your $PATH
or explicitly
set cmake-format-command
. After cmake-format
is loaded you can invoke
to format the current buffer. To do it everytime you save
your buffer the minor mode cmake-format-mode
(defun my-cmake-mode-hook ()
(cmake-format-mode 1))
(use-package cmake-format
;; optional: enable automatic formatting on save
(add-hook 'cmake-mode-hook #'my-cmake-mode-hook)
;; optional:
(setq cmake-format-command "/path/to/cmake-format"
cmake-format-args '("list" "of" "flags")))