These dotfiles are managed via chezmoi
Currently they refer to a sway
+ zsh
configuration on a DELL XPS 15, but not tightly specific to it.
# Linux
sh -c "$(wget -qO-"
# Windows/Powershell
(iwr -UseBasicParsing | powershell -c -
For other install methods check this link
Download repository locally
chezmoi init
Create the configuration file for chezmoi:
mkdir ~/.config/chezmoi/
touch ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml
And add the mail option in the toml config:
email="[email protected]"
This will be used as a template for git and other configurations.
If you are using wsl add the win_home
parameter to set the path to your windows
home from wsl
Get which cahnges will be done by chezmoi with either chezmoi status
or chezmoi diff
If you want to install all dotfiles simply type chezmoi apply -v
select which configurations are necessary and add them one by one with
chezmoi apply <dotfile path from chezmoi status>