Group project built during the "Introduction to web programming" at the University of Trento
The project consists in a webapp that allows users to create and share a shopping list. A shopping list can contain products created by system admins or normal users.
The backend is written in Kotlin using the Spring framework and the frontend is built with Angular 6. The project uses the Push Notification API to notify users about collaborator actions and web sockets to provide a chat between the users.
You can try the project in two ways:
- Use the deployed version on Heroku here. Please note that:
- The application can take up to 2 minutes to start
- Emails are disabled
- Clone the repository and run it locally
Once the app is running you can login:
- as a normal user with email "[email protected]" and password "password"
- as another normal user with email "[email protected]" and password "password"
- as an admin user with email "[email protected]" and password "password"
To run it locally you need to start the server and build the webapp.
To start the server on Linux or macOS run
./gradlew bootRun
On Windows
./gradlew.bat bootRun
To start a development server for the webapp use:
cd client
npm i
ng serve --open
You can configure different parameters in src/main/resources/