Supports PDFs with multiple pages
Free draw tool
Add text
Add arrows, rectangles, ellipses
Add images
Change colors
Change Brush size
Change Font size
Every object can be resized
Serialize all canvas data into JSON and re-draw
Delete individual objects
Clear page
Download PDF file with annotations
Upload PDF to remote API endpoint
Important: exported file will be a PDF with set of images. So you won't be able to use functions like text selections. trying my best to add the text layer. Due to lack of PDFJs documentation about this section progress is very slow. If anyone interested you can check the progress on dev
var pdf = new PDFAnnotate('pdf-container-id', 'http://url-to.pdf');
pdf.enableSelector(); // Enable moving tool
pdf.enablePencil(); // Enable pencil tool
pdf.enableAddText(); // Enable add text tool
pdf.enableAddArrow(); // Enable add arrow tool(Supports optional on draw success callback)
pdf.enableRectangle(); // Adds a rectangle
pdf.enableEllipse(); // Adds a rectangle
pdf.addImageToCanvas(); // Add an image
pdf.deleteSelectedObject(); // Delete selected object
pdf.clearActivePage(); // Clear current page
pdf.savePdf('download', { filename: 'sample.pdf' }); // Save PDF with name sample.pdf
pdf.savePdf('upload', { url: 'upload.php' }); // Upload PDF to API endpoint
pdf.serializePdf(function (serializedString) {}); // returns JSON string with canvas data
pdf.loadFromJSON(serializedJSON); // continue edit with saved JSON. To do this on page load use `ready` option(scripts.js line 9)
pdf.setColor(color, alpha); // Set color for pencil/arrow and rectangle/ellipse borders (Example: pdf.setColor(red) , pdf.setColor('#fff'), pdf.setColor('rgba(255,0,0), 0.5)'))
pdf.setFillColor(color, alpha); // Set fill color for rectangle/ellipse tool (Example: pdf.setFillColor(red) , pdf.setFillColor('#fff'), default is transparent)
pdf.setBrushSize(width); // Set stroke size for pencil tool and border size for rectangle/ellipse (Example: pdf.setBrushSize(5))
pdf.setFontSize(font_size); // Set font size for text tool (Example: pdf.setFontSize(18))