This repository contains a V-REP scence and C++ source code for running a demonstration of a behavior-based robot controller by a Vector Symbolic Architecture (read the paper). I have tested the demo on Mac OS X (Mountain Lion 10.8.3) and Linux (64-bit Ubuntu It should not be difficult to get it to run on Windows as well, but I can't help you with that. To get started, download a copy of the V-REP simulator for your system. Look for the file remoteApiConnections.txt (on OS X it's in; on Linux it's in the top-level folder, with the script). Un-comment the three lines in this file that specify the port information. Launch a terminal window, cd to the the programming directory, and issue the command
make -f remoteApiSharedLib_Makefile Back in the vsarobot folder you created
from the zip file, edit the VREP_ROOT variable in the Makefile to reflect where you installed V-REP. Then change the LOG_FILE variable in bubbleRobClient.cpp to reflect where you installed the vsarobot folder. Launch a terminal window, cd to that directory, and issue the make command. This should build the executable bubbleRobClient.
Launch the V-REP application (by double-clicking the V-REP icon in OS X, or running the script in Linux), and open the bubbleRob.ttt scene from the vsarbobot folder. Go to Tools / Scripts and double-click on Child script (associated with remoteApiControlledBubbleRob). Change the value of the variable REMOTE_CLIENT to reflect where you built the bubbleRobClient executable. Go to Simulation / Start Simulation to run the simulation. The robot should exit the corral and stay in the yellow light disc.
You can switch back and forth between the classical (if/then/else) controller and the VSA controller by editing the ARCH variable at the top of the Makefile.