Simmor is a simple immutable boilerplate-free framework-agnostic store.
npm install simmor react-simmor
The simplest way to use simmor is by creating a localStore. Here an example of counter store that has state {value: number}
State can be modified throw draft
field. Simmor uses immer that can update immutable state by mutating it.
const [state, dispatch] = useLocalStore({value: 0}, ctx => ({
increase() {
ctx.draft.value += 1
decrease() {
const newValue = ctx.draft.value - 1
if (newValue >= 0) {
ctx.draft.value = newValue
increaseWithDelay() {
setTimeout(() => this.increase(), 300)
setValue(value: number) {
ctx.draft.value = value
<div className="counter">
<button onClick={() => dispatch.increase()}>+</button>
<button onClick={() => dispatch.decrease()}>-</button>
<button onClick={() => dispatch.setValue(0)}>reset</button>
<button onClick={() => dispatch.increaseWithDelay()}>Increase with delay</button>
We can define store as class.
export type CounterState = { value: number }
export class CounterStore extends ReducerStore<CounterState> {
increase() {
this.draft.value += 1
decrease() {
const newValue = this.draft.value - 1
if (newValue >= 0) {
this.draft.value = newValue
setValue(value: number) {
this.draft.value = value
export const Counter = ({store}: { store: CounterStore }) => {
const value = useStore(store, x => x.value)
return (
<div className="counter"><span>{value}</span>
<button onClick={() => store.increase()}>+</button>
<button onClick={() => store.decrease()}>-</button>
<button onClick={() => store.setValue(0)}>Reset</button>
const store = new CounterStore({value: 0})
<Counter store={store}/>
Simmor supports middlewares. Here an example of middleware that saves state to localStorage.
export function createLocalStorageMiddleware(key: string): Middleware {
return next => action => {
const newState = next(action)
if (action.methodName === "constructor") {
const savedState = localStorage.getItem(key)
if (savedState) {
return JSON.parse(savedState)
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(newState))
return newState
We can pass middlewares in the constructor of the store and our component can now save its state between sessions.
const persistentStore = new CounterStore({value: 0}, {
middlewares: [createLocalStorageMiddleware('counter')]
<Counter store={persistentStore}/>
It is possible to slice a part of the state. For example if we need two counters and we want to swap values between them.
type CounterPairState = {
left: CounterState
right: CounterState
export class CounterPairStore extends ReducerStore<CounterPairState> {
leftStore = new CounterStore(this.slice('left'))
rightStore = new CounterStore(this.slice('right'))
constructor() {
super({left: {value: 100}, right: {value: 200}})
swap() {
const [leftValue, rightValue] = [this.state.left.value, this.state.right.value]
static sum(state: CounterPairState) {
return state.left.value + state.right.value
And the component
const store = new CounterPairStore()
export const CounterPair = () => {
const state = useStore(store, x => x)
const sum = CounterPairStore.sum(state)
return (
<div className="pair">
<button onClick={() => store.swap()}>swap</button>
<span>Sum {sum}</span>
<Counter store={store.leftStore}/>
<Counter store={store.rightStore}/>