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Specified Resource Ids

simen edited this page Dec 21, 2016 · 2 revisions

IPSO/OMA-LWM2M specified Resource ids

This class of ids is specified with Objects.

  • oid = 'lwm2mSecurity'
        "lwm2mServerURI": 0,
        "bootstrapServer": 1,
        "securityMode": 2,
        "pubKeyId": 3,
        "serverPubKeyId": 4,
        "secretKey": 5,
        "smsSecurityMode": 6,
        "smsBindingKeyParam": 7,
        "smsBindingSecretKey": 8,
        "lwm2mServerSmsNum": 9,
        "shortServerId": 10,
        "clientHoldOffTime": 11
  • oid = 'lwm2mServer'
        "shortServerId": 0,
        "lifetime": 1,
        "defaultMinPeriod": 2,
        "defaultMaxPeriod": 3,
        "disable": 4,
        "disableTimeout": 5,
        "notificationStoring": 6,
        "binding": 7,
        "regUpdateTrigger": 8
  • oid = 'accessControl'
        "objectId": 0,
        "objectInstanceId": 1,
        "ACL": 2,
        "ACLOwner": 3
  • oid = 'device'
        "manuf": 0,
        "model": 1,
        "serial": 2,
        "firmware": 3,
        "reboot": 4,
        "factoryReset": 5,
        "availPwrSrc": 6,
        "pwrSrcVoltage": 7,
        "pwrSrcCurrent": 8,
        "battLevel": 9,
        "memFree": 10,
        "errCode": 11,
        "resetErrCode": 12,
        "currTime": 13,
        "UTCOffset": 14,
        "timezone": 15,
        "bindAndModes": 16,
        "devType": 17,
        "hwVer": 18,
        "swVer": 19,
        "battStatus": 20,
        "memTotal": 21
  • oid = 'connMonitor'
        "nwkBearer": 0,
        "availNwkBearer": 1,
        "radioStrength": 2,
        "linkQuality": 3,
        "ip": 4,
        "routeIp": 5,
        "linkUtil": 6,
        "APN": 7,
        "cellId": 8,
        "SMNC": 9,
        "SMCC": 10
  • oid = 'firmware'
        "package": 0,
        "packageURI": 1,
        "update": 2,
        "state": 3,
        "updateSuppObjects": 4,
        "updateResult": 5,
        "pkgName": 6,
        "pkgVer": 7
  • oid = 'location'
        "lat": 0,
        "lon": 1,
        "alt": 2,
        "uncertainty": 3,
        "velocity": 4,
        "timestamp": 5
  • oid = 'connStatistics'
        "SMSTxCounter": 0,
        "SMSRxCounter": 1,
        "txData": 2,
        "rxData": 3,
        "maxMsgSize": 4,
        "avgMsgSize": 5,
        "startOrReset": 6
  • oid = 'dIn'
        "dInState": 5500,
        "counter": 5501,
        "dInPolarity": 5502,
        "debouncePeriod": 5503,
        "edgeSelection": 5504,
        "counterReset": 5505,
        "appType": 5750,
        "sensorType": 5751
  • oid = 'dOut'
        "dOutState": 5550,
        "dOutPolarity": 5551,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'aIn'
        "aInCurrValue": 5600,
        "minMeaValue": 5601,
        "maxMeaValue": 5602,
        "minRangeValue": 5603,
        "maxRangeValue": 5604,
        "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605,
        "appType": 5750,
        "sensorType": 5751
  • oid = 'aOut'
        "aOutCurrValue": 5650,
        "minRangeValue": 5603,
        "maxRangeValue": 5604,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'generic'
        "sensorValue": 5700,
        "units": 5701,
        "minMeaValue": 5601,
        "maxMeaValue": 5602,
        "minRangeValue": 5603,
        "maxRangeValue": 5604,
        "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605,
        "appType": 5750,
        "sensorType": 5751
  • oid = 'illuminance'
        "sensorValue": 5700,
        "units": 5701,
        "minMeaValue": 5601,
        "maxMeaValue": 5602,
        "minRangeValue": 5603,
        "maxRangeValue": 5604,
        "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605
  • oid = 'presence'
        "dInState": 5500,
        "counter": 5501,
        "counterReset": 5505,
        "sensorType": 5751,
        "busyToClearDelay": 5903,
        "clearToBusyDelay": 5904
  • oid = 'temperature'
        "sensorValue": 5700,
        "units": 5701,
        "minMeaValue": 5601,
        "maxMeaValue": 5602,
        "minRangeValue": 5603,
        "maxRangeValue": 5604,
        "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605
  • oid = 'humidity'
        "sensorValue": 5700,
        "units": 5701,
        "minMeaValue": 5601,
        "maxMeaValue": 5602,
        "minRangeValue": 5603,
        "maxRangeValue": 5604,
        "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605
  • oid = 'pwrMea'
        "instActivePwr": 5800,
        "minMeaActivePwr": 5801,
        "maxMeaActivePwr": 5802,
        "minRangeActivePwr": 5803,
        "maxRangeActivePwr": 5804,
        "cumulActivePwr": 5805,
        "activePwrCal": 5806,
        "instReactivePwr": 5810,
        "minMeaReactivePwr": 5811,
        "maxMeaReactivePwr": 5812,
        "minRangeReactivePwr": 5813,
        "maxRangeReactivePwr": 5814,
        "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605,
        "cumulReactivePwr": 5815,
        "reactivePwrCal": 5816,
        "pwrFactor": 5820,
        "currCal": 5821,
        "resetCumulEnergy": 5822
  • oid = 'actuation'
        "onOff": 5850,
        "dimmer": 5851,
        "onTime": 5852,
        "mStateOut": 5853,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'setPoint'
        "setPointValue": 5900,
        "colour": 5706,
        "units": 5701,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'loadCtrl'
        "eventId": 5823,
        "startTime": 5824,
        "durationInMin": 5825,
        "criticalLevel": 5826,
        "avgLoadAdjPct": 5827,
        "dutyCycle": 5828
  • oid = 'lightCtrl'
        "onOff": 5850,
        "dimmer": 5851,
        "colour": 5706,
        "units": 5701,
        "onTime": 5852,
        "cumulActivePwr": 5805,
        "pwrFactor": 5820
  • oid = 'pwrCtrl'
        "onOff": 5850,
        "dimmer": 5851,
        "onTime": 5852,
        "cumulActivePwr": 5805,
        "pwrFactor": 5820
  • oid = 'accelerometer'
        "units": 5701,
        "xValue": 5702,
        "yValue": 5703,
        "zValue": 5704,
        "minRangeValue": 5603,
        "maxRangeValue": 5604
  • oid = 'magnetometer'
        "units": 5701,
        "xValue": 5702,
        "yValue": 5703,
        "zValue": 5704,
        "compassDir": 5705
  • oid = 'barometer'
        "sensorValue": 5700,
        "units": 5701,
        "minMeaValue": 5601,
        "maxMeaValue": 5602,
        "minRangeValue": 5603,
        "maxRangeValue": 5604,
        "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605
  • oid = 'voltage', 'current', 'frequency', 'depth', 'percentage', 'altitude', 'load', 'pressure', 'loudness', 'concentration', 'acidity', 'conductivity', 'power', 'powerFactor', 'distance'
        "sensorValue": 5700,
        "units": 5701,
        "minMeaValue": 5601,
        "maxMeaValue": 5602,
        "minRangeValue": 5603,
        "maxRangeValue": 5604,
        "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605,
        "calOffset": 5535,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'energy'
        "cumulActivePwr": 5805,
        "units": 5701,
        "resetCumulEnergy": 5822,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'direction'
        "compassDir": 5705,
        "minMeaValue": 5601,
        "maxMeaValue": 5602,
        "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'time'
        "currentTime": 5506,
        "fracTime": 5507,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'gyrometer'
        "units": 5701,
        "xValue": 5702,
        "yValue": 5703,
        "zValue": 5704,
        "minRangeValue": 5603,
        "maxRangeValue": 5604,
        "minXValue": 5508,
        "maxXValue": 5509,
        "minYValue": 5510,
        "maxYValue": 5511,
        "minZValue": 5512,
        "maxZValue": 5513,
        "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'colour'
        "colour": 5706,
        "units": 5701,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'gpsLocation'
        "latitude": 5514,
        "longitude": 5515,
        "uncertainty": 5516,
        "compassDir": 5705,
        "velocity": 5517,
        "timestamp": 5518,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'positioner'
        "currentPos": 5536,
        "transTime": 5537,
        "remainTime": 5538,
        "minMeaValue": 5601,
        "maxMeaValue": 5602,
        "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605,
        "minLimit": 5519,
        "maxLimit": 5520,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'buzzer'
        "onOff": 5850,
        "level": 5548,
        "timeDuration": 5521,
        "minOffTime": 5525,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'audioClip'
        "clip": 5522,
        "trigger": 5523,
        "level": 5548,
        "soundDuration": 5524,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'timer'
        "timeDuration": 5521,
        "remainTime": 5538,
        "minOffTime": 5525,
        "trigger": 5523,
        "onOff": 5850,
        "counter": 5501,
        "cumulTime": 5544,
        "digitalState": 5543,
        "eventCounter": 5534,
        "mode": 5526,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'addressableTextDisplay'
        "text": 5527,
        "xCoord": 5528,
        "yCoord": 5529,
        "maxXCoord": 5545,
        "maxYCoord": 5546,
        "clearDisplay": 5530,
        "contrast": 5531,
        "level": 5548,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'onOffSwitch'
        "dInState": 5500,
        "counter": 5501,
        "onTime": 5852,
        "offTime": 5854,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'levelControl'
        "level": 5548,
        "onTime": 5852,
        "offTime": 5854,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'upDownControl'
        "incInputState": 5532,
        "decInputState": 5533,
        "upCounter": 5541,
        "downCounter": 5542,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'multipleAxisJoystick'
        "dInState": 5500,
        "counter": 5501,
        "xValue": 5702,
        "yValue": 5703,
        "zValue": 5704,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'rate'
        "sensorValue": 5700,
        "units": 5701,
        "minMeaValue": 5601,
        "maxMeaValue": 5602,
        "minRangeValue": 5603,
        "maxRangeValue": 5604,
        "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605,
        "calOffset": 5535,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'pushButton'
        "dInState": 5500,
        "counter": 5501,
        "appType": 5750
  • oid = 'multistateSelector'
        "mStateIn": 5547,
        "appType": 5750